Forms of drug addiction

What is addiction? This is a common painful condition of the person, due to the fact, he has a dependency on a given substance and therefore it takes a systematic (inhales, introduces swallows, or by injection). Addiction is characterized by the fact, that person has a strong desire to use the drug again and again, because, first, it leads to unusual experiences, and later doing it solely for the relief of abstinence syndrome (the so-called "break-up").

Classified as addiction?

How many drugs - as many forms of addiction

How many drugs – as many forms of addiction

There are several forms of dependence, United by the cause of, the method and speed of course, outcome. Of course, forms drug variety of clinical manifestations, characteristics of the disease and the complexity of the consequences for the organism. This is due to the fact, the toxicity of various drugs, the poison acts on the body differently.

How many forms of addiction?

Considered, what, how many types of drugs, there are so many forms of addiction. Because each drug has its own effects on the body. Science is unknown not one drug, which would result from the constant use does not lead to addiction. Same drugs differ in the speed of effects — some act almost immediately (for example, after three or four doses of heroin, the person becomes a drug addict), others a little slower. Today drug addiction is an epidemic, affects every state, each city, and forms are found in almost all. They differ only in the extent and depth.

Forms of drug addiction

Most often classification happens on pharmaceutical characteristics of substances, cause addiction. Consider all known forms of drug addiction.


The so-called addiction to various derivatives of opium, from medicines to homemade at home. One of the most popular types of this form of drug morphinomania, that is, man's dependence on morphine.

Opiomania has a progressive character

Opiomania has a progressive character

Such type of dependence has a progressive nature, causes changes in the physical and mental aspect of humans, it is characterized by high mortality among the dependent. Recover from morphinomania extremely difficult. In addition, those, who has this form of addiction, also often replace morphine synthetic products, having a similar chemical structure. For example, this dephenoxylate, meperidin or proxiphen. These substances are able to give long lasting analgesic effect, a feeling of euphoria and cause the addictive. Morphinomania is very similar to opiomania, but is more severe, and to get rid of this dependence on the order is heavier.

Another kind of opiomania is cocainomane. The word is derived from the name of the drug "codeine", which can be used both in pure form, and drugs, it contains. Codeine in its action is weaker, than opium or morphine, so people, having cocainomane, feel their dependence is not so strong and I have no desire to deal with it. Most often, cocainomane adjacent to morphinomania and opiomania. Addicts replace codeine, morphine or opium, if you can't get it out. Cocainomane is rarely found in pure form and often leads to polynarcomania, that is, when the addict combines different types of drugs.

Another kind of opiomania is gerolomini. This is a more severe form of addiction, which has a difficult form of occurrence and severe consequences. Gerolomini is very common in Hong Kong; it is considered to be, after two weeks of taking heroin from an addict has no chance of a cure. Gerolomini takes place in all highly developed countries, in our own country, this form of addiction is relatively new.


This form of dependence in prevalence among the inhabitants of the Earth stands in third place (honorary first place it is inferior to nicotine and alcohol). As the name implies, people, suffering from gelisimini, tend to eat different types of cannabis. Not to mention, what addicts, with this form of addiction, suffer less, than those, who are committed to the use of morphine or opium. The disease is not so clearly and not so hard. But in this lies the danger of using such drugs — hemp is considered to be easy fun, and people, playing it from time to time, sooner or later decide to try something "interesting". According to international research, nine out of ten people, who uses "heavy" chemical drugs, started with pokurivaya weed.

The cocainism

A form of addiction, having very bad consequences not only for the dependent from the point of view of the destruction of his body, but for the General public. Known fact, most aggressive ones addicts, who use cocaine, crack (chemical analog of cocaine) other types of this drug.

Those, who use crack - the most aggressive

Those, who use crack – the most aggressive

How to develop cocainism, where it starts? Not always consciously begin to use the drug, often dependent people, taking certain types of medications. Considered, that cocaine is not the drug, which begin experiments in the search for fresh and new sensations. Usually pass to the te, who has experience in the use of drugs, in particular, gelisimini and junkies.


Today is a very common form of addiction. Very often women suffer, you assign as sleeping medications and antidepressants. Of course, what mentally healthy person these drugs do not propose to use, because the indications for the start of the course is neurosis, mental pathology. Depressing or stimulating the nervous system, these substances make patients to be their slaves. Very often a form of addiction ends tragically — it's intoxication because of the huge doses of the drug, which the patient assigns to himself. If abruptly discontinue the treatment, the person suffers withdrawal symptoms, very reminiscent of the break-up from using hard drugs.

Stimulants of the nervous system are also quite popular among ordinary people, not drug addicts, but leading all there — in the abyss of addiction. Use these medicines for, to increase its efficiency, endurance. Experimenting occur often among students and schoolchildren, who pass exams and can't afford to sleep at night. Another group of individuals — women, use of stimulants for quick weight loss.

The desire to lose weight or to take the session can cause lekarstvennie

The desire to lose weight or to take the session can cause lekarstvennie

The most popular substances from this group of drugs – this theine and caffeine. In its purest form a person can "horse" doses to drink strong coffee or tea (chifir). Let these beverages seem frivolous in comparison with other types of drugs, but they can also cause dependence and light withdrawal symptoms. Excessive consumption of caffeine and theine are facing in the aftermath of problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system. In addition, these substances are included in medicines with ephedrine, creating a deadly drug cocktail.

Nikotinomanija and alcoholism

Speaking about the forms of drug addiction, it is impossible to ignore the leaders of the "hit parade" among drug. According to statistics, 90% people on the planet regularly (1-2 times a week) drink alcohol, and 40% smoke. Of course, these two kinds of drug addiction at first glance do not have such harmful effects on the human body, like other kinds of drugs, but this effect is only apparent. In fact, those, who smoke or drink alcohol, just can't quit their addiction. Nicotine poisons the body, in the long period leads to lung cancer, heart disease and the reproductive system. Alcohol affects the heart, human liver, thinking. Smokers and alcoholics live much less than people, who do not take such stimulants.

Is drug addiction

The combined use of multiple types of drugs. This refers not to the situation, when a person accidentally "smoked-drunk-shot", a systematic use of several groups of drugs. Drugs combine to increase the enjoyment and ease of withdrawal. Often combined heroin and cocaine, amphetamine and cocaine. What is the consequence of a form of addiction, clear — man has much more opportunity to die from an overdose.

Video “The twenty most dangerous drugs”


Forms of addiction there is almost the same, how many and types of drugs. However, drug addicts do not belong to those people, which stop there. Testing one drug, they rapidly move on to another in search of ever-greater source of pleasure. Also prevalent is drug addiction – the systematic use of multiple types of drugs from different groups together.

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