Bad habits in the most romantic country in the world

According to statistics, the problem of tobacco addiction affected more than 1,3 a billion people. And the numbers are rapidly increasing every day. Thousands of people die through the fault of his addiction. France was no exception. Bad habits have almost everyone in the country. Drugs in France, and Smoking flourish. It is a fact!

France is the country of love. Romantic state with beautiful scenery. But what about bad habits there? Sadly, but addiction, Smoking and alcohol addiction thrive.

Drugs in France

Bad habits in France

Today Smoking has rightfully earned the title of one of the most difficult Fort addiction. The reason is the serious development of dependence. To abandon it voluntarily can only units. The rest, even aware of a trouble occurring, continue to succumb to habits.

If you rely on proven sources, it can be concluded, that most of cancer and cardiovascular diseases are associated with cigarette consumption. A very popular diagnosis among the dependent becomes lung cancer, after all 98, 96% patients are smokers. It is not necessary to smoke all my life, to get a death sentence, for this purpose it is enough 5 years of experience.

Bad habits in France covers every year more and more people. Even women love to smoke weed, immensely drink wine and try other types of drugs.

Terrible statistics of death from drugs

Mortality statistics, scary. Every 6 seconds the fault of the cigarette, a person dies. The greatest danger is becoming the age of the smokers, which fell to 12-13 years. Today, meet a teenager with cigarettes, easy.

A seemingly innocent hobby, has become a real epidemic, able to destroy the city. After all, to find on the map district, where there is no this habit, it is simply impossible. France stroked drugs, alcohol. Young people actively use a grass, not thinking about the future.

In modern society, Russia ranks first in the number of male smokers. As for women, that 16 place. First rightfully belongs to Austria, where smokes more 40% all women. Particularly sad news becomes a constant growth of patients. The number of dependent citizens is increasing, despite the sad statistics.

It is important to note, what level of education has a special value. To meet the intellectual with a cigarette is really a rare phenomenon. Usually the dependence of the subordinate segments of the population, having low levels of education.

Smoking in France

The reason for this mass epidemic becomes advertising, movies, and most importantly, the society and the environment. Child, where parents are happy to smoke in the kitchen, usually also takes over the addiction.

Instead of understanding the troubles, many simply close your eyes to what is happening. People voluntarily consent to mass destruction, making his name in the list of the dead. Because the number of deaths, at fault accidents of cigarettes, exceeded the death rate during the war years. Thus, Smoking can easily be called a weapon of mass destruction.

However, unfortunately, this problem is not the only. Each state has its own weaknesses. France was no exception. In narcological clinics are increasingly women and young people – it's scary!

Smoking in France

Each country has its own laws, rules and customs. Considering the actual problem, you should examine the a separate territory in its distribution. After all, every country has its problems, seriously affect the welfare of the whole nation.

Smoking in France in all public places banned, since 2008 year. A person can succumb to addiction, only in their own home. To curb Smoking in France wanted after a really frightening statistics. Here at gunpoint habits turned out to be over 60% population. Due to the tightening of the law, this mark fell to 25%. In violation of the law, criminals to expect a monetary penalty.

Though, not to mention the presence of the original Museum is dedicated to Smoking. It is next to Bastille. Here a small area is really interesting exhibits tubes of different times, varieties of tobacco and other things, associated with this lesson. In addition nearby is a greenhouse, where tobacco is grown.

Thus, guests of France can see the origins, and to get acquainted with fascinating historical information. For example, few people know, the word "cigarette" was invented by the French. And the main essence of this institution is the struggle for a healthy lifestyle. Perfect proof of this are the various posters, telling about the bad effects of Smoking.

bad habits

Alcoholism in France

Smoking in France often raise the problem. However, alcohol is also not less important. French beat records for the amount of drinking citizens. According to statistics, one person has more than 20 liters of spirits. Similar, excessive drinking can provoke enough death. Often the reason for this is the huge number of vineyards.

For many, drinking alcohol is a daily ritual, which is perceived naturally. Most of the drinkers prefer wine products, which are connected to the. Also demand a beer, but the level of consumption of vodka has decreased significantly in recent years.

Teenagers acquire a foamy drink. They smoke and use illegal drugs. Bad habits typical of every second resident, which is not yet 18 years.

The love of French wine and the deplorable statistics

Wine is becoming an indispensable element of social life for every Frenchman. Some traditions exist here centuries, to renounce them for many impossible action. Especially alcoholism developed in the local villages. And actively use not only men, but women, children.

Over 80% residents are convinced, the wine is safely affects health. Therefore, it with pleasure give children, even some schools support such a position, adding the wine in the daily diet of students.

Winemaking for France is an important economic element. The annual sale brings a lot of money. Therefore, voluntarily to abandon such taxes exactly unreasonable. Among the workers the use becomes a natural thing.

However, heating up the situation could not remain without attention of the government of France. Therefore, in recent years, there began to occur the first steps to combat bad habits.

The first changes pricing policy. To drinking and Smoking in France has ceased to progress, the cost of production is raised. Also drew attention to the commercials, tried to oust her. Today to see this on TV, not. Smoking is bad, addiction is even worse – that's what I try to convey various government projects.

Changes and age restrictions. To purchase alcoholic beverages exclusively have the right people, older 18 years. Also do not drink alcohol near schools.

Huge hectares of vineyards, attracted tourists from around the globe. And attention offered not only beautiful views, but free, included in the program tasting.

Drugs in France

Today, similar events are also held in France, but they have far more restrictions. After completely losing such tourist routes would be too wrong, therefore, the government confined its adjustments. Most of them touched alcohol youth.

Thus, France realized the trouble, tries to overcome flaw of the population. The government has decided, it's time to fight back to bad habits – Smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism!

Drugs in France

The most romantic country in the world, has a lot of problems, drugs in France are one of them. For a long time, the authorities wanted to create an ideal society. To achieve this goal have been developed various ways of dealing with addictions in France.

Chief among them is the prevention of drug abuse. Moreover, it is distributed on several criteria – primary use, the use of psychoactive substances and getting rid of the counter based on.

A special risk group is teenagers. Drugs in France among young people, constantly increasing. Over 40% tried cannabis. And every year, a desire to move to more powerful drugs increases. It also reduces the age of the addicts. France on the verge of death, if not taken drastic measures against bad habits. It is desirable to work with the entire population. Unfortunately, parents are a clear example of, what good is tobacco and alcohol should not be banned.

To permanently eliminate drugs in France requires capital approach, measures, permanent prevention. Deserve special attention and educational institutions, where, to open up these topics.

Smoking in France

Unemployment the French people and bad habits

Addiction does not become the main problems of the state. Still here sharply there is a question of providing jobs. In recent years, the situation has seriously deteriorated. France cannot offer a job to intellectuals, ordinary workers and especially teenagers. It is the latter citizens are increasingly choosing a drug to solve their problems.

The government fails to fulfil promises. Population not enough jobs. Such action provokes crime, drug and alcohol abuse. Of particular danger are the poor areas of France, where drug use is considered a panacea for poverty. Bad habits make you forget!

Crime for drugs in France

The most frequent crimes are theft. Usually, the victims of the thieves are naive tourists, come enjoy the romantic atmosphere of France.

With regard to the attacks, similar cases, rare. Keeping an eye on the gendarmes. During a visit on vacation, should specify the name of certain, crime areas. They should be avoided. After all, some criminals unite, create a group, causing harm to others. The French slums are not a myth.

Thus, one of the most visited countries, has many black spots. Drugs in France, alcoholism and crime, only some of them. Bad habits ironed romantic country in the world. If you do not fight, tourists will be afraid to come here.

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