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Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the occurrence of certain violations, which gives a person a little discomfort. And one of the main symptoms include dizziness. It can be so strong, what prevents to do the usual things. Therefore, to alleviate the suffering, you need to understand the cause and try to find a way to get rid of it.

A hangover manifests itself in 80% cases. While headaches are accompanied by vomiting and weakness.
Hangover: why dizzy?
Headaches from alcohol is very serious and dangerous phenomenon. Many people don't realize, what terrible consequences may result in ordinary at first glance, dizziness.
Consider the causes of, which there is such unpleasant phenomenon:
- heavy intoxication, usually occurs in Union with speech and coordination;
- poisoning with ethyl alcohol, ingested with alcohol;
- rise blood pressure, the resulting spasm of brain vessels.
A hangover manifests itself in 80% cases. While headaches are accompanied by vomiting and weakness.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the occurrence of certain violations, which gives a person a little discomfort.
Ways to get rid of dizziness during a hangover
This violation prevents a person to function normally. The person temporarily loses the ability to fully think, to learn, to work and not even able to drive a car. Such short-term capacity may anyone to knock out of the rut, that is why people rush to get rid of vertigo as soon as possible. It is worth noting, there are indeed ways to achieve this.
A good night's sleep
Many people know the popular saying – sleep is the best medicine. So, the best solution is to go to a rest. Sound sleep has a positive effect on the entire body and promotes a more rapid removal of alcohol. In a state of tranquility, the nervous system comes in order. It is best to sleep in a well ventilated area. Fresh air has a positive effect on the brain. In such circumstances, the oxygen will be supplied in the required quantity.
Gastric lavage
A very effective and popular method to relieve a hangover. Alcohol can cause in the body strong intoxication. And with gastric lavage, all alcohol, in it, instantly leaves the body.

Alcohol can cause in the body strong intoxication. And with gastric lavage, all alcohol, in it, instantly leaves the body.
The following procedure can clean it yourself at home. To do this in a quart jar to pour the room temperature water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Drinking, the resulting solution promised result is guaranteed. Do not experiment and induce vomiting potassium permanganate, or other drugs, it can only do harm to the patient.
The most popular and secure method. Relevant drugs act very quickly and remove the consequences caused by alcohol poisoning. Action process based on removing toxins from the body. The most popular drugs include: activated carbon, enterosgel, smectite and APSCO. You can eat them only good at calculating the necessary dosage.
Drink plenty of liquids
It is very important with a strong hangover is to keep water balance. Water is able not only to support him, but excrete harmful substances. In any case it is impossible to prevent dehydration.
If you drink clean water cannot, necessary to resort to mineral water, green tea with lemon or broth hips. They not only bring the desired effect, but will have on the body positive effects. Drinking coffee in hangover prohibited, it only aggravate the current situation.
Dizziness often occurs along with severe headache, to cope with these symptoms of the common folk remedies is quite difficult. The best solution will be the use of painkillers: Nurofen, Ketanov, spasmalgon, analgin. To use the medication needed after a meal. It is important to know, the usual Advil for headache prohibited, he is able to raise blood pressure.
It will significantly improve the condition. Invigorating water can relieve the spasm of blood vessels, which cause dizziness and headache. But to go into a hot tub in this condition is not necessary. It may cause nausea, vomiting and increase in pressure.
A hearty Breakfast
Many people absolutely do not want is, but it's not right. A healthy Breakfast can start the digestive system. The meal should be nutritious and easy. The best option would be the broth, cheese, Kashi.

It is very important with a strong hangover is to keep water balance. Water is able not only to support him, but excrete harmful substances.
Medical help for a hangover
It is understood, the emergence of dizziness after drinking, may be the cause to more serious consequences. There are a huge number of diseases, that can start its development. In this case you should immediately seek the assistance of experienced professionals.
Alcohol poisoning occurs due to consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is in the body so much, he begins to hit the kidneys, liver, heart. Developing very rapidly and reaches its peak for 5-6 hours.
The symptoms are expressed clearly and unambiguously:
- severe vomiting;
- tachycardia;
- the occurrence of hallucinations;
- coma;
- involuntary urination;
- cramp.
Pancreatitis is a frequent complication during alcohol abuse. Instantly the lesions of the pancreas. To stop the process is possible only surgically, moreover, due to the rapid development, it is necessary to act without delay. The symptoms of the disease: weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, the appearance of spots on the abdomen, strong temperature.
Internal bleeding is also not an exception. Usually found in people with diseases of the stomach – gastritis, ulcer. There is damage to the blood vessels. Symptoms: pressure drop, shortness of breath, vomiting black, loss of consciousness.
When dizziness is accompanied by one of the symptoms, you must immediately go to the hospital. Only after appropriate diagnosis, doctors will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. You don't mess with their health. As for the usual hangover, if you do it right, you can quickly get rid of him.