Surrogate alcohol: what is?

Many people are resorting to the use of different alcohol substitutes. That's just making these actions do not understand everything, what consequences it may lead. If you believe the statistics of poisoning from the robot comes very quickly. And, unfortunately 98% victims die at home, not having to ask for help. Surrogate alcohol is sold in many retail outlets, although with proliferation of actively fighting power.

fake alcohol

Surrogate alcohol is no joke, especially for a young body. In the pursuit of cheapness, people do not understand the seriousness.

The concept of surrogate alcohol

In their characteristics they can be divided into two groups:

  1. They contain ethyl alcohol. The most popular of them: butyl alcohol, alcohols, derived from tree bark, technical alcohol, colognes and different lotions. They observed a huge ethanol, aldehyde.
  2. Can do without alcohol, this includes methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol.

If a person drinks consumed, contains ethyl alcohol, the main symptoms of poisoning will the following characteristics:

  • change the color of the face, it acquires a red tint;
  • the appearance of a strong sweating;
  • a sense of euphoria;
  • there is complete relaxation. Moreover, the physical and psychological;
  • pale skin;
  • dilated pupils;
  • impaired coordination;
  • dulled attention

The main poisoning have on the digestive tract. Particularly affected the kidneys and liver.

In case of poisoning by wood alcohol, the symptoms are quite different. This is due to the rapid absorption of methyl alcohol. To achieve a lethal outcome missing from 60 to 140 milliliters. Therefore poisoning accompanied by severe disorders of the nervous system, under threat is the work of the kidneys, the victim mentality begins to change. As for physical changes:

  • blurred vision;
  • aching joints and muscles;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • raising the temperature;
  • pressure decreases;
  • the heart is intermittent;
  • consciousness becomes confused;
  • cramp;
  • coma, paralysis.

Surrogate alcohol is no joke, especially for a young body. In the pursuit of cheapness, people do not understand the seriousness.

Symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning

The main poisoning have on the digestive tract. Particularly affected the kidneys and liver. In cases of poisoning by this substance, it is difficult to make a sharp insights. It is based on the gradual appearance. After eating a person does not feel any changes. His well-being can last up to 12 hours.

After this time expires, comes damage to the nervous system. Have used begin to appear the first signs: opens vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and the skin take on a blue color, documented cases of loss of consciousness, that occurs with the occurrence of seizures.

alcohol poisoning

In case of any suspected poisoning should call the emergency assistance.

Further 3 – 5 day, should hepatotoxic period. Comes liver or kidney failure. The skin begins to take on an unhealthy yellow color, which is accompanied by severe itching.

Medical aid for poisoning surrogate alcohol

In case of any suspected poisoning should call the emergency assistance. If the victim is unconscious, you need to put it on a flat floor and turn the head to the side. Waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, you need to follow, that the victim choked on vomit. If the victim of impaired breathing, you need to call for help and begin chest compressions and artificial respiration.

If the patient is conscious, you need to give him a sorbent, and any enveloping broth. Only then independently deliver the patient to the hospital. In a special medical facility the victim will have proper care. It will hold a series of required activities:

  1. Complete lavage of the stomach. Held for 2-3 days. It is necessary to completely withdraw the poisons from the body.
  2. Put a dropper, enter the five-percent ethanol.
  3. If necessary, calcium gluconate.
  4. Give the patient diuretics. With the exception of getting people with kidney failure.
  5. In especially severe cases, kidney transplantation is carried out.

The strength of the effect depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. The most common complications: loss of vision, failure of the kidneys, the disruption of all internal organs, fatal.


In modern society, more and more people die from poisoning surrogate. The number of victims is growing every year, therefore, everyone should know what consequences can result from the use of harmful substances. And how important it is to provide appropriate assistance.

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