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Every woman wants to be beautiful, for this purpose it is sometimes willing to go to incredible action. Here are just a few of the beauties you know, that alcohol can cause the body great harm. Abuse of any alcoholic beverage faces a terrible harm. Even drinking beer, could cause a terrible, irreversible damage. And the main consequence of getting a beer belly. It is understood, this is equally reflected in the beauty, and health.

The appearance of beer belly, still not a sentence, it can get rid yourself
Why growing a beer belly?
Any bad habit, like the brick builds the Foundation to the ugly figure, poor health. Disruption of the internal organs leads to terrible diseases. And about the terrible changes shape and say no. Particularly affected are women, and all this is due to disruptions in hormonal balance. In their body begins to produce a huge amount of estrogen, which lead to the accumulation of fats. Without mercy he splits off rapidly in the stomach, the hips, waist.
The appearance of beer belly, still not a sentence, it can get rid yourself. But to do this you need, to understand the reason for its appearance.

Any bad habit, like the brick builds the Foundation to the ugly figure
This shortcoming appears in women under the influence of the following factors:
- Calorie beverage. Using beer, many do not even know, how many calories it contains. And if you drink it systematically, and with a variety of salty snacks, beer belly guaranteed.
- The fairer sex, is destroyed the hormone Foundation. Known, this drink contains certain hormones, which cause destructive actions. Due to the fact, what about drinking beer do hormones, endocrine system stops working. Why would she work out it, that already exists in the body. Here only the composition of the incoming substance is very negative. And long-term use, this is starting to be revealed. The woman begins to gain weight rapidly, she lost period. If you start with the treatment, the diagnosis is terrible – infertility.
- Liver, as a filter, receiving all incoming substances. Used beer also leaves a permanent trail. Gradually comes crashing, the work of this body is slowing down, which leads to the development of various diseases. The most dangerous are cirrhosis and hepatitis.
- Little mobility. The more a woman drinks beer, the less moves. She loses the desire to perform various physical activity. Fat deposits, there's no escape.
Each of these causes leads not only to the appearance of beer belly, but also has a number of serious consequences.

The female body is a fragile item, it needs to give due attention.
The effects of a beer belly
Ugly figure – a tip of the iceberg of problems. Here, what is hidden under the rounded belly drinking ladies:
- alcohol dependence. It is a mistake to think, what Beers are low-alcohol beverage, which has nothing to do with alcoholism. If its use becomes permanent, this is the first step to a terrible addiction. To get rid of it can be very difficult;
- heart disease. Under the action of the Etalon, the heart starts to not work. Over time the most important on, can stop their activities;
- the occurrence of tumors. Contained hops, starts the process of formation of harmful substances. But if in addition to drink alcohol with fatty foods, it threatens cancer;
- disruption of the internal organs. Beer belly, causes, the digestive tract full stop to perform essential functions;
- the malfunction of the entire endocrine system.
Beer belly in women is not an indicator of health!

The abuse of beer threatens not only the health problems, but with your personal life.
How to get rid of beer belly?
The struggle for attractive figure will not be easy. Here's helpful advice, how to remove a beer belly woman:
- Of course, the most important and correct will be the abandonment of alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to exclude them from the diet. Valid rare use of intoxicating drink, small quantities.
- A healthy lifestyle. You need to balance the power. To make life more sports, active rest in the fresh air. Enjoy a native mode organization of the day. Normalize sleep, the time of wakefulness and rest, must be distributed. Forget about the beer party and the purchase of salty snacks to this drink.
- Healthy eating. More fruit, vegetables. Forget the word diet, it's not something, what you need. It is only necessary to balance the menu. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats, should sufficient ingested. Eat as often as possible, but small portions.
- Sports. Make it an important part of each day. After all, even renouncing alcohol stomach, will not go away by itself. Need to try, what back muscles their usual elasticity.
- Create yourself a useful hobby – do some swimming or horseback riding. This type of activity, not only will help to correct the appearance, but also make, to get rid of the thoughts, drink.
If you grow a beer belly, you should pull myself together. Only then can we expect a healthy offspring and a long life.
The female body is a fragile item, it needs to give due attention. The abuse of beer threatens not only the health problems, but with your personal life. Healthy beauty the key to a happy life!