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Alcoholism is a problem of modern society. Alcoholic beverages are addictive. No wonder, what many are interested in, how to get rid of alcoholism. The presence of an alcoholic in the family significantly complicates the life of all his loved ones. However, unfortunately, he does not understand the evils of their habit and refuses to get treatment

Alcoholism – this is an abnormal condition, at this point the man needed help
We must try to help him realize the destructive effect of alcohol on personality. For this you can try some tools:
- intimate conversations and real life stories about the consequences of alcohol dependence;
- joint visits to the psychiatrist, who will talk about the impact of alcohol on health;
- the lifestyle change, joint sports;
- motivation in life goals and prospects;
- visit alcoholics anonymous;
- coding in a specialized clinic;
- home insulation from dubious friends and alcohol.
There are methods of getting rid of alcoholism, does not require the consent of the drinker. You can apply them at home, and often they are quite effective.

Stop drinking! – the, allowing you to get out of the binge.
Home treatment of alcoholism
Man, dependent spirits can help. Here are the main ways of treatment:
- Method of programming while sleeping. Is, that psychic, or someone close to you, owning this technique, says over the sleeping patient, words of conspiracy or prayer, inspire him with the necessity of abstinence from alcohol. The text can be independently, the main thing, that it was enclosed the whole power of thought and belief of the speaker in the success of the planned enterprise.
- Method conspiracy, for reviews people, they used, can be quite effective, if you firmly believe in a higher power, managing human behavior. Hope they can help overcome addiction. To speak can food or water, which will use the patient, and things or pictures of close relatives. There are cemetery plots, which are connected with performance of special rituals. People, to whom is the conspiracy, don't have to know about it.
- Alcoholism can cure a special prayer "From drinking", which turn to Saint Boniface. He himself went through this ordeal, and after repentance became the patron of ex-addicts before God. Often prayerfully appeal to the blessed virgin Mary, that can heal not only from alcoholism, but from many destructive habits.Of course, such techniques will affect human, who is a hypochondriac and believes in mysticism. If the alcoholism can last for years, we need a specialist.

Alcohol inspires? It is cheating, as in reality it just destroys brain.
Popular recipes
For getting rid of craving for alcohol can help folk remedies, you can prepare at home. Under their influence produced an aversion to alcohol. However, this method is not applicable without the consent of drinker, since herbal supplements change the taste and smell of an alcoholic beverage, and he will feel. If the person consciously makes the decision to go through a course of treatment, success is assured.
Bearberry has long been known for its medicinal properties and is commonly used for inflammation of the bladder. Its decoction is effective in the treatment of alcoholism. It has a bitter taste and in combination with alcohol causes vomiting. Have the same effect, and some other herbs, for example, thyme or thyme. Cooled and filtered decoction of these herbs you should drink several times a day a tablespoon.

Alcoholism is treated! The main thing, want to get out of the alcohol trap!
For a long time turns away from alcoholic beverages tincture of garden bugs on alcohol or vodka. Of course, do not reveal the real composition. Infuse it in a dark place for about three weeks, then take a teaspoon. The fungus beetle is the toxic and requires knowledge of the recipe of cooking. Fried in vegetable oil, these mushrooms have a very attractive, appetizing appearance.
Need podgadat time, when the husband makes a small break in the use of alcohol, and buy him a vodka with fried mushrooms. The combined effect of alcohol and poisonous mushrooms will cause a slight poisoning, which should persuade him to the decision to permanently give up alcohol.
Video: “Booze: duration, the consequences, types, treatment at home”
Many alcoholics understand, you need to stop drinking, however can not get rid of dependence. Today, new drugs, able to cope with physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. But in the case of their application close people should be here to help patience and support.