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Pregnancy is a very important and crucial stage for every woman. It was at this point a brand new life. To approach this period should be a very serious responsibility. Literally from the first weeks begins to form the fruit. So as to protect it, from possible harm, need to permanently give up all addictions. And first in this list are Smoking and alcohol.

Various studies have proven, the use of any strong drink, affects the development of pathologies of the future baby
Often the expectant mother does not know, under her heart, a new life. And before that she was wrong the existence of: clubs, party, strong drinks. So, after learning about this wonderful news, she will think about the possible consequences caused to the fetus. Alcohol in the early days of pregnancy can lead to disastrous results.
Alcohol and pregnancy
Various studies have proven, the use of any strong, affects the development of pathologies in toddler.

Alcohol during pregnancy – this is a sure road to degradation and abnormalities of the baby.
Moreover, this may particularly affect, if a parent regularly used during planning, and the first trimester of your interesting situation. That's when the risk is particularly high.
Reasons, proving the pernicious influence of alcohol on the embryo:
- even the soft drinks are the fruit of irreversible damage;
- half of the alcohol drunk, transmitted through the placenta to the baby;
- many believe, that a small amount of alcohol consumed would have a harmless effect, this erroneous misconception.
It is important to understand, alcohol is eliminated from the body slowly. Therefore, to stop its use is recommended before conception. You should prepare your body for proper wearing of the fetus.
It is important to understand healthy offspring is a credit to not only women. Future father also plays here not the last role. The abuse of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of abnormal sperms.
If such a microorganism will connect even with a healthy egg, the development of abnormalities in the baby is highly likely. So the pair if you expect the offspring should be somewhere for six months to give up all his bad habits.
Effect of alcohol on early pregnancy
We all know, what the first month is the most responsible – takes place the formation of all the internal organs of the crumbs. And in the first weeks, the process of consolidation of the ovum. Any violations, including drinking alcohol can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.
Should know, even if the child was born without anomalies, there's no guarantee his health. Mother, abused all nine months must understand, her child may be suffering from a disorder of emotional state. Maybe sooner or later, this fact confirmed. And this child is difficult to adapt to the world, to live in society.

Only depends on you existence little man. Think about it, before it's too late.
Possible pathology in the infant, whose parents abused alcohol:
- deviation in the functioning of the spinal cord, brain;
- increase chances of premature birth;
- miscarriage, and even for a longer period;
- physical disability;
- developmental pathology of the internal organs.
These factors are truly frightening, you deprive your child to not only have a, a healthy future, but life itself. Only depends on you existence little man. Think about it, before it's too late.
If you understand, what to handle yourself you can not afford, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Qualified specialists will help you for all tie. A healthy society is the first step to the perfect life!