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By nature a coma one of the most dangerous. Scientists are still little know about it. The fact only remains that, that alcohol abuse first step to falling into a coma. Provocateur becomes a large proportion of alcohol.

Every year from alcohol coma dies around 250 000 people
There is some allowable use, but if the standard in the blood rises to 300 – 500 ml, this is a toxic dose. Severe toxic syndrome causes an increase to 1600. If the numbers become more meaningful, this may lead to the onset of alcoholic coma.
Causes of coma
The occurrence of coma due to a high content of standard in the blood. Therefore, through measuring the consumption of intoxicating beverages can lead not just to the poisoning, and cause a alcoholic coma. Moreover, to calculate accurately, how much you should drink to this condition, not. Each person all individually. If one you need to drink a huge dose, it is different enough and glasses.
The cause of alcoholic coma may also be drinking on an empty stomach. Especially if you drink very strong alcohol. The process of formation of coma begins with a disruption of the brain. Difficult oxygen, and there is hypoxia, on the background of which reduces temperature changes and blood pressure, there is loss of consciousness. All these factors form a swelling, leading to coma.

From the amount of alcohol consumed depends not only on the General physical condition, but the risk of death.
To identify alcoholic who is very simple, all her symptoms are quite bright – pale skin and loss of consciousness. Unfortunately many see this only as strong intoxication, and the patient put to bed.
This outcome may end very badly and bring with them a deadly danger. The thing is, during the blackout occurs destruction of brain cells. And even if such a short-term coma will not cause serious harm, without a trace it won't work either. Minimum consequences will be damage to the nervous system.
From the amount of alcohol consumed depends not only on the General physical condition, but the risk of death. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the norms during the feast.

Excessive drinking of alcohol is dangerous as well the, that drinking increases the risk of heart failure.
Stage of coma
The severity of the effects depends on individual tolerance and the amount of alcohol consumed. Coma develops very rapidly and takes place in three stages:
- This stage is often not perceived as someone, due to the fact, that reflex reaction remain unchanged. A person arrives unconscious. Accompanying this surface phase is often strong salivation and vomiting, the pupils constrict and the skin becomes bluish in color.
- All the signs become more pronounced lowering of pressure and slowing respiration. The muscles begin to lose their sensitivity. Gradually disappear and natural reflexes, but there is still a sense of pain. Possible involuntary urination.
- The final and most dangerous stage associated with falling into a deep coma. This period due to weakening of the respiratory, it becomes spasmodic. There is a lack of all reflexes. The saving in this situation can only become a medical emergency, otherwise, the risk of death is great. Very often it occurs because of tongue falling, which causes suffocation.
Excessive drinking of alcohol is dangerous as well the, that drinking increases the risk of heart failure. Most importantly, when there is coma time to provide first aid. If you do it right, it is possible to save man. It is important to call an ambulance to ensure, so the victim suffocated. For this it is necessary to free the respiratory passages from the vomiting and salivary concentrations.

The nature of occurrence of the coma did not find.
Treatment of alcoholic coma
As you know the first sign of alcoholic coma is a surplus of standard in the blood. Therefore, the first step to recovery is getting lock suction standard bodies. It is necessary to wash out the stomach. The second action becomes insulin with glucose, it helps to prevent possible complications. If relief does not occur, resort to additional drugs:
- caffeine. Able to accelerate the rhythm of the heart;
- atropine. Helps to relieve profuse salivation;
- vitamin b. Restores health.
- prednisone. Applied in particularly serious cases and helps to restore breathing.
Alcoholic coma may end in death, if you do not take any action.
The consequences of alcoholic coma
The nature of occurrence of the coma did not find. Defining the duration of, impossible. In one case it may last for a week, and in another many years. This condition is dangerous because of its unpredictability, while it may develop a large number of violations. After all, most of the damage gets the brain, hence a number of terrible consequences: violation of walking and speech.
Possible and a more benign outcome – loss of memory, aggression, emotional instability and impaired attention. But it is necessary to understand that easy is not always possible, and the outcome can be coma and death.
Coma – severe stress for the entire body. To come out of it very difficult, recovery is pretty slow. The patient first comes for a short time, with treatment, the awake time increases. But it is necessary to understand, full recovery is possible only after treatment in special medical institutions.