Methamphetamine as a drug

Meth has been known since ancient times. On its wonderful properties to increase capability to activate the physical activity is known to many. Only few people know, as this drug can cause dependence, therefore it is possible to enroll in the list of most dangerous drugs.

Methamphetamine is known for its ability to stimulate the heart, mental and even physical function. This happens due to the content of amphetamine.


Methamphetamine – it affects the nervous cells of the brain, skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle

Methamphetamine: the history of

Particularly popular the drug got in the Second World war. It was during this difficult period, people had a substance use, which will be able to raise their emotional spirit.

However, since 1950 year, the drug has been used for the treatment of diabetes. Then the doctors were not even aware, what harm can have meth on the human body. Now the drug is included in the list of psychotropic substances in Russia and its use is prohibited. The synthesis of methamphetamine is used by pharmaceutical companies, but all this is strictly regulated.

Properties and use of methamphetamine

Methamphetamine – it affects the nervous cells of the brain, skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle. In this regard, there is an increase in pressure, dramatically reduced appetite, seen a revival hypersexuality, and the emergence of euphoria.

drug methamphetamine

Methamphetamine is known for its ability to stimulate the heart, mental and even physical function. This happens due to the content of amphetamine.

Varieties of receiving methamphetamine in medicine there is a huge number of ways:

  • subcutaneously;
  • intravenous;
  • inside pills;
  • candles – vaginal;
  • inhaled as a powder.

To purchase the drug only on prescription and used under the careful supervision of a physician. Using it to treat:

  • obesity;
  • in narcolepsy;
  • attention deficit disorder in children.

In recent times increasingly found in illegal methamphetamine. It is very difficult to distinguish from the present. This can be done only through urine test. Poor preparation contains in its composition certain additives. Use them to increase the volume of goods. But it is necessary to understand the dose of them in each batch can vary considerably, so, a chance to get an overdose of the drug increases.

Types of methamphetamines is quite a lot: in powder form, crystals, tablets. Has a rich white color, and the introduction of additives, the shade may become purple, pink. Usually odorless.

The powder is used by inhalation through the nose. Cross species originated in Hawaii and 1985 year. Since it is used by Smoking and inhaling. Ice can be transparent, or have a yellow tint. The effect of the drug last up to 14 hours. While Smoking the drug methamphetamine is very rapidly absorbed into the body. The impact on the body occurs 5-7 minutes. When inhaled, the desired effect is achieved over the longer term.

Mechanism of action

The drug has a special ability to penetrate into the brain. Its molecules are not destroyed, what prolongs the action of drugs. The body increases the release of monoamines, which leads to the appearance of an imaginary happiness.

In many night clubs, you can find analog – methamphetamine. However, in reality it has nothing to do with medicine, a contains not only a drug, but other poisons.

the synthesis of methamphetamine

To purchase the drug only on prescription and used under the careful supervision of a physician.

Methamphetamine a dangerous drug, to predict what kind of impact will it have on the body is almost impossible. In society it is called screw, met, crystal. It is understood, its danger lies in the fact, dependence occurs almost immediately. After the first use, the person can feel desire to try the drug even.

The development of dependence on methamphetamine

To become physically and mentally addicted need to do just 4 injection, or to drink a course of tablets for two weeks.

There are three stages:

  1. People use drugs to enhance performance.
  2. Begins to form a psychological dependence. People increasingly use the drug.
  3. The patient cannot imagine its existence without methamphetamine.

The first indication of the formation of strong dependence – the occurrence of severe withdrawal. It last sometimes up to two months and occurs after only a few days after discontinuation of drug the drug.

the synthesis of methamphetamine

In recent times increasingly found in illegal methamphetamine. It is very difficult to distinguish from the present.

Addiction treatment

Addiction treatment should be carried out only in a special institution. Qualified doctors will help to make the appropriate treatment regime. The first step is the appointment of a detox program. It lasts about a week and is using medication. This files most often prescribed glucose, vitamins.

In the treatment of not do without the advice of a psychiatrist and a cardiologist, they will help to regain lost health. Been recently practiced in a group conversation. Loved ones must understand the gravity of the situation. You need to be careful and to give the patient more attention. He should understand, that ranks him loving people, who worried about his condition.


Methamphetamine is a dangerous narcotic product. Complete cure of the patient may drag on for years. You must have patience. Only true desire to get rid of dependence, able to return to a normal lifestyle.

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