Addiction treatment force

Well-known and not surprising fact, most dependent people quite comfortable with my addiction and don't want to get rid of it. However, any center willing to take on healing the addict, even if he does not want it. Does addiction treatment sense, if the dependent does not want it? Whether compulsory treatment effect or is it just a waste of time and money? Such questions are asked all the parents, relatives and friends of addicts. In this post we will give detailed answers to these questions.

90% addicts are not going to recover from addiction!

90% addicts are not going to recover from addiction!

All addicts want to be cured?

Violent treatment – not the way, think so many members of society. But, the notion of addiction does not reflect the real horror, experienced by the relatives of the unfortunate patient. Imagine a person dependent, which just jumps out of his pants, so he can not wait to get rid of dependence.

Agree, the picture is comical and unnatural. Because 90% drug addicts and other brethren with dependencies (alcoholics, tobacco depend people) not in a hurry to part with their addiction. These people think this way – "Oh well, I'll throw, as soon as you want really. I just don't want to". In fact the person is just weak in front of the addiction and can't get rid of it, even if a wish it will have. But if the whole audience did not help relatives and friends, then the drug would be much more. Out, what help you need and no desire on the dependent.

The situation is so, that drugged poison the brain in most cases does not allow a person to make an independent decision about, you need to stop using drugs. So, if he can't help it, he will die faster, than ask for help.Very well, that parental love or friendly affection allows you to pass a drug addicts in special clinics. Due to this drug on the planet much less, what could be.

Parents, if they noticed something was wrong, you need to act fast and immediately to address to the psychiatrist

Parents, if they noticed something was wrong, we must act now and immediately to address to the psychiatrist

It is especially difficult to understand your own trouble children drug addicts. For them often the beginning of addiction is the nature of the fun, but not a month goes by, as a child is firmly seated on a drug. Wait, when it comes to the weight of the horror of what happened, just no time. The body of the child suffers much more, than adult, he's not stronger, weak. Parents, if they noticed something was wrong, you need to act fast and immediately to address to the psychiatrist.

Whether the right of hospitals to treat addicts compulsorily?

Yes, have and treat. Actually, in most case the treatment is forced or voluntary-coercive. How to recognize employees of the centers for drug rehabilitation, there are no such cases, a junkie came to them himself.

If a person knows, he is able to part with addiction, he does not ask for help. Otherwise, man will lead. In order to begin to help the addict, the clinic should obtain his signature or written consent. As you know, in the presence of relatives or friends is hard to do.

In order to begin to help the addict, the clinic should obtain his signature or written consent

In order to begin to help the addict, the clinic should obtain his signature or written consent

Will help, provided force, effective? Of course, Yes. Believe me, that there is one dependent person is not willing to part with a favorite drug., even the, who says the opposite. Only then, when lost physical dependence and undergoes a detoxification process (cleansing the body), most addicts have already become on the road to recovery and understand, what I really want to be cured. But, again, if you leave the addict in this stage alone, there is a possibility, he slips.

How much should treatment take, to addict become a free and independent?

Most centers consider, no less 1 year. During this period of time people not only learn how to live without drugs, but will become more spiritual, conscious, will regain the moral and human form. Considered, what if the person spent a year without the use of drugs, to get back on track he will be tough.

Actually, the span of time for, to stop being addicted, for each individual drug addict. The answer to the question, where to undergo treatment and rehabilitation, also to each their own. Others want six months in the walls of the institution, and someone for the year will not feel fully liberated. Forced therapy can produce results, but it is important, to parents and relatives had an increased interest in the dependent person.

Video "Compulsory treatment of drug abuse"


Compulsory treatment of addiction – a necessary measure, if your loved one doesn't want to get rid of his addiction to drugs. Of course, the most effective treatment would be in the case, if the addict himself aspired to be free, but such people, the exception rather the rule. Compulsory treatment of drug addiction will be effective, after the weakening of the physical cravings, most people understand the hopelessness of the chosen path.

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