Infertility in women, drugs: reader question

Reader question

With your wife I have been married for five years. During this time we had children. Heard, what is infertility in women, drug users in the past are not uncommon. My wife 22 years been sitting on drugs. When she was 25 years, I met her and helped to get rid of dependence. Addiction treatment was long, painful, sometimes I wanted to leave, but love gave me strength. In 28 years I proposed to her, she became a totally different person. Not difficult to calculate, what she is now 33 year, we terribly want children. How to be? Maybe, you should get away from this obsession and just adopt a baby? Please, tell me, infertility in women, which in the past were on drugs, this sentence? And what is the probability, children can be born with pathology?

Nikita S., 35 years

Infertility in women drug addicts

The answer to the question "Infertility in women, drugs"

All murderers take the lives of people in different ways. The drugs are doing its dirty work long enough, but in the end always kill the addict. But first, the potion will ruin his personality, destroy individuality, would deprive him of the ability to think, to talk and normal to perceive the surrounding reality.

Today, the main problem of humanity lies in the fact, what drugs have drawn more Teens, than Mature or young people. But teenagers need to know, what psychotropic substances slow down the process of the reproduction of sex hormones, and this is a negative impact on the reproductive abilities of the person. If the girl with 22 years used drugs, we can assume, that the genital function is lost the basic ability to.

Mom's a crackhead

Mom's a crackhead – this is the sentence for a child?

Very few families of addicts have offspring. Some couples simply do not have time to do before his early death, others don't because of physiological problems. Children of addicts, even if they against all odds and was born, not differ good health. Most often, these painful crumbs are forced to lead a joyless life due to weight related diseases.

For this reason, to take drugs to young ladies is contraindicated. If a girl is experimenting with "wheels", "grass" or already sitting on the needle, to know the joys of motherhood it is unlikely, as her reproductive functions have been deteriorating.

A little about the offspring of former addicts

Many of the girls paid for the, light drugs do not prevent conception, nurturing baby. But this is a myth, who came up with traffickers of women and offering them "harmless" pot or LSD light.

If a young girl started using psychoactive substances in adolescence, her sexual development is greatly reduced, and the ability to conceive significantly decreases. But if a drug addict and gets pregnant and will not refuse from his addiction, it will make the child a drug addict still in the womb, as drugs will penetrate to it through the placenta.

After the birth of the drug gets to the baby from the mother's milk. After birth, the baby does not receive proper attention and care from the mother. If she continues to take the potion, it starts the process of killing her baby through breast milk. Because this milk contains a potion, destroy the body of the crumbs.

A little about the offspring of former addicts

Treatment of infertility in women offers many modern clinics. Difficult to restore this feature, if a woman lost her due to drug abuse. The family must understand, what offspring can be born to former addicts:

  • pathology of the skeleton is spliced fingers, the curves of the limbs, deformation of the skull;
  • mental disorders – children may be extremely active or overly passive;
  • sudden infant death syndrome is a phenomenon happens in the first two years of baby's life. Doctors do not know exactly, why is this happening, it is not excluded, what is pathology in the brain, which is not evident in the usual computer devices;
  • mental retardation – every tenth child is born with an extra chromosome in humans, which in the past abused drugs;
  • speech disorder – the child has a pronounced speech impediment, which is difficult to correct speech therapists.

children of addicts

Infertility in women due to modern medicine can cure. But sometimes you should think about that, whether you want to risk it. It is not excluded, that the baby be born with pathology. Will there be enough time and effort from the parents on such a child, in 50% cases women refuse such a child. The stress this situation causes many ladies to return to the destructive attraction.

There is hope!

Infertility in women, who was actively using drugs is not uncommon. But sometimes this condition is temporary. In any case, should closely monitor their health, to be treated and to accept hormonal preparations.

Doctors believe, the probability to conceive a child with disorders is 50%. In other cases, the body young women for 3-4 years recovering. Of course, in this case, the lady needs to abide by the rules and always be observed at the doctor.

To risk or not – this is up to the couple. Former addicts are people, prone to mental disorders, depression and phobias. Even simple pregnancy can cause stress, as hormonal background is changing a lot.

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