Pills “Tabex”

When an addict is struggling with Smoking, he was ready to try everything and even more, to reduce the craving for nicotine. I'm sure many of you have heard about a certain drug "Tabex", which can be very effective. Let's see, is this true. Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma has developed the medicine about twenty-five years ago, and in the mid-nineties it fell to the domestic market.

Pills “Tabex” actively sold on the Internet, many smokers dream with its help to abandon bad habits. This drug has passed a series of tests and approved by the Ministry of health of Poland and Germany. What it represents? First of all, you need, that the drug "Tabex" does not contain nicotine, it replaces cytisine. What it is?

"Tabex" – what it consists of

Tabex is a medication, which can be attributed to homeopathy, because it contains only vegetable substances. The main active substance cytisine is obtained from plants of actinic. Cytisine acts very similar to nicotine. It affects blood pressure, increasing its, increases the level of adrenaline and has a General activating effect on the respiratory organs.

If you can help pill "had"?

If you can help pill “Tabex”?

However cytisine in something similar to nicotine and this is determined by its medicinal purpose. This substance interacts with the same receptors, that nicotine, and thus "closes the road" nicotine.

Nicotine has nowhere to go from the body, and he gives more stress on cholinergic receptors, causing this very unpleasant feeling when Smoking.These pills trick the body, creating a sensation similar to Smoking.

People, starting to use this drug, stops tormented "nicotine craving". At the same time, once you smoke, cytisine and will do so, Smoking won't bring relief and pleasure.

Sensations one cigarette will such, as if you smoked in a row, five pieces, and you come nicotine overdose. This causes a person to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked or even to abandon them. Women and men actively acquiring “Tabex”, the instruction thus read is not always carefully, this leads to a zero result.

Method of issuance "Tabex" and treatment

The drug is available in tablet form, which coated. The package is 100 pieces. How to take them? It is recommended to be treated with "Tabex" in two stages.

The first stage will last three days. You take 6 tablets every two hours, not counting sleep time. Do not worry, what meds have so often, after all, this drug drug, and it will not hurt you. Also at this time, it is desirable to reduce the number of cigarettes, which you used to smoke every day.

How to reduce this number, how many times? Of course, it is desirable at times. The fact, each cigarette will bring you discomfort, and you can worsen your health, if you smoke as usual. If after three days the craving you have has not diminished, it is recommended that this treatment be stopped and continue it through 50-60 days. If you want to smoke less, then on the fourth day you can begin the second stage of treatment.

Treatment "Tabex" consists of two stages

Treatment “Tabex” consists of two stages

The second stage. Starting from the fourth day, you are already taking one tablet every two hours and a half after waking up – that is, you have to have five tablets per day. Such dose you practice to and including the twelfth day.

From the thirteenth day and on the sixteenth, inclusive, should be consumed four tablets daily, that is, every three hours. From the seventeenth-twentieth day, you drink three tablets daily, one every five hours. With the twenty-first day and the twenty-fifth you need to take one tablet every six hours, that is, you drink just two tablets per day.

"Tabex":side effects?

Of course, the use of any drug has consequences. Side effects "Tabex" are:

  1. Shortness of breath.
  2. A strong pressure increase.
  3. Changes in taste sensations.
  4. Excessive sweating.

In addition, you can disrupt the appetite, to worsen sleep, in the mouth appears an unpleasant dryness, appear irritability or drowsiness. If taking the drug is the idiosyncrasy of cytisine, the probability of occurrence of red rashes and unpleasant painful sensations in the muscles.

The issue price

"Tabex" – the drug is imported, Bulgarian, so the price is not a penny, but we can not say, what pills are expensive. Depending on pharmacies in Moscow drug can cost from 350 to 500 rubles, in Saint-Petersburg – 320 to 450 rubles, in Kiev 100 to 150 UAH. Given, "Tabex" can help you to cope with tobacco addiction, this amount does not seem very large.

Real reviews tried

After examining the reviews of people on the forums, who really tried to quit Smoking with the help of "Tabex", meet two diametrically different opinions. One group enthusiastically advises to buy "Tabex" as a super-effective medication.

How to know, if you can help pill?

How to know, if you can help pill?

They admire action tablets, say, the dependence vanished and I advise everyone to this drug. Other skeptical claim, "Tabex" – it's a placebo, which is based on the self. The same, who praises drug, these pessimists call sales agent, interested in increasing sales of tablets.

Actually, partly true, both of these opinions. Do, "Tabex" can help. And can not in any way affect your cravings to smoke. This duality is due to only one factor: your desire to get rid of dependence.

When you are determined to win, you have a strong motive, and you want at any cost to get rid of Smoking, "Tabex" you 100% will help. This drug really has a positive effect, and it's not contain nicotine, that is its obvious advantage over the nicotine patch or electronic cigarette.

If you smoke long, Smoking like you already and disgusted, and you seem to be looking for it, that you get rid of this dependence, "Tabex" can not help you. As well, will not help and everything else. There is no panacea (and it will never be found), which pill will save you from bad habits. Such people want to just wish, to the inspiration came to them as soon as possible, and then you don't need any pills.

Pills “Tabex”


Tablets "Tabeks" – this drug, which can really help. However, take this medication is only in the case, if you are really determined to quit Smoking and nothing will move from the right path. Otherwise you just throw money to the wind (but you can buy yourself a few packs of cigarettes). If you decide to seek help to tablets, we strongly recommend that you study before using the product manual, as there are some contraindications.

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