The penalty for drinking alcohol

The penalty for drinking alcohol is a real punishment. This should be remembered by every citizen of the Russian Federation. To cash a reprimand for violations of laws rules prescribed in the Code of the Russian Federation every citizen of Russia. This can be a monetary penalty or administrative fine, paid in rubles. Its amount depends on the relationship to a specific person and can be the following:

  • individuals 5 000 – 300 000 rubles;
  • job – 50 000 – 600 000 rubles;
  • legal – 1 000 000 – 5 000 000.

The exact figure depends on a brand of crime.

The penalty for drinking alcohol

The fine for drinking in a public place

There are a huge number of varieties of punishments for misconduct, but the penalty for drinking alcohol is the most common. Under the concept of spirits the, include ethyl alcohol:

  • vodka;
  • beer;
  • wine;
  • cognac;
  • low alcohol cocktails.

When you use one of them on the street, a cafe or the cinema is supposed to punish. The reason for such strict rules was a special effect from the use of intoxicating. They are able to confuse the consciousness, which can lead to unpredictable action. A drunk person can cause harm to others.

the penalty for drinkingThe penalty for drinking is for the following locations:

  • theatre;
  • the house of culture;
  • stop;
  • refills;
  • public transport;
  • beaches;
  • parks;
  • yards;
  • entrances of residential buildings.

The fine for drinking alcoholic beverages not valid on the territory of the designated organizations: cafe, restaurants, bars. Even in the Park you can drink, but just sitting at the outdoor cafe.

Often disputes arise about the appearance of already-drunken citizen in such areas. In such situations, the proper authorities are able to issue a fine for drinking alcohol.

The payment amount is fixed:

  • for Russian citizens 500 – 1 500 rubles;
  • for foreign guests 4 000 – 5 000 rubles.

In severe cases, the authorities may impose administrative penalty for drinking.

How to avoid penalties?

Of course, it is best to drink only at home. But there are always situations, which cannot be avoided. Then the experts recommend to use one of the proven methods:

  • hide the bottle in a dark package;
  • pour alcohol and other innocuous containers.

Although during the arrest the police would be difficult to prove their honesty. The risk may be justifiable.

the fine for drinking in a public place

How to make payment?

The penalty for drinking alcohol must be paid in the near future. Maximum period is 60 days from the date of receipt of the notification. Payment can be made through a Bank branch, providing a receipt or via the Internet, using a Bank card. The most important thing to give the police the relevant receipt of payment confirmation, otherwise its value will be increased for ignoring.

Deciding to see how, what is the penalty for drinking alcohol paid for, you should contact the police with a request or through a specially created database. Here are made all kinds of penalties and debts.

The penalty for drinking alcohol: changes in the law

In 2017-2018 deputies raised the question about raising the wage, what made 5 000 rubles. This method, authorities are trying to get people to think. Pay more receipts to seriously affect the budget of the offender, that will make him not to commit such actions again.

Even though huge sanctions often do not make citizens to think. Drinkers because citizens often do not have the opportunity to visit designated locations, which leads to the violation of the law. The issued receipts are also not carried out.

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