Droppers for alcohol intoxication: composition, the principle of operation, features

Alcohol can cause great harm to the human body.. Often poisoning occurs from its use., but if the dose of alcohol consumed is insignificant, then the person is able to cope with this condition on his own. But the poisoning of this liquid, when taken in large quantities, requires specialized therapy. With alcoholic intoxication, to cleanse the body, doctors put droppers, the composition and principle of operation of which we consider further in more detail. And when urgent help is needed, then you need to apply for a dropper to specialists in Krasnodar https://emerkon.ru/narkologiya/kapelnicy or your city.

Why exactly a dropper?

To relieve alcohol intoxication, many use various mixtures and tablets., but they are ineffective for the following reasons:

  • Since one of the signs of alcohol poisoning is vomiting, man can't even drink water. This also applies to tablets..
  • Any drug, ingested, not able to have an effect so quickly, like a dropper. thanks to her, the drug almost instantly enters the bloodstream.
  • The complex composition of a dropper with alcoholization allows you to simultaneously inject several drugs into the body: glucose, vitamins, salt solutions, sedatives and other essential substances.

Although the drip is not a panacea, but very effective in the treatment of severe alcohol poisoning. But there is one very stern warning, which should not be forgotten. A dropper to relieve alcohol intoxication should only be placed by a medical professional, otherwise the patient can do great harm, death, in some cases.

What is alcohol poisoning?

You must know, that the composition of the dropper for removing alcohol intoxication may be different. It largely depends on the following factors: patient conditions, degree of poisoning, the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore the doctor, before carrying out such a procedure, always takes current analyzes from the patient.

Today, many private medical institutions have established services, who come to the patient directly to the apartment to eliminate poisoning. In this case, the drip for the treatment of alcohol intoxication at home includes drugs, which have virtually no contraindications and have a general healing effect. It is quite possible, since excessive drinking of alcohol has the same effect. Among them are the following:

  • high alcohol content in blood and tissues;
  • severe alcohol poisoning can lead to respiratory arrest and coma;
  • violation of alkaline, saline, acid and carbohydrate balance, untimely elimination of which leads to acidosis and stopping biochemical reactions in the body;
  • a strong decrease in glucose levels, which leads to depression of brain cells and their starvation;
  • abnormal liver function of a patient.

Drugs, included in the dropper, with alcohol intoxication

Into the composition of the dropper for alcohol intoxication, includes the following drugs:

  • blood thinners;
  • drugs, preventing the development of convulsive syndrome;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • sleeping pills or sedatives;
  • improvement of acid-base and salt balance;
  • stop vomiting, anti-nausea;
  • normalization of kidney function;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • antihistamines;
  • preventing the development of allergic reactions.

Dropper composition and dosage, for the treatment of alcoholic intoxication, selected only by a doctor. Next, we will look in more detail at the various compositions of drugs in the droppers used..

Blood thinners

Alcohol poisoning is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the volume of fluid in the blood. In this case, saline and glucose droppers are used. They are considered the most common. By alternating these drugs, the amount of alcohol in the blood decreases, and also increases the flow of fluid into the vessels. Thus, blood is diluted, liquefies.

Patient, in a state of alcoholic coma, blood pressure begins to gradually decrease. Then IVs come to the rescue (with alcohol intoxication), which contain solutions, able to retain fluid in the blood and simultaneously extract it from other body tissues.

Stabilization of salt balance in the body

Excessive amount of alcohol in the blood leads to a decrease in the content of magnesium ions, potassium, sodium, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart. In this case, IVs are placed (with alcohol intoxication), the composition of which corrects electrolyte imbalances. These can be special polyionic solutions of crystalloids. In addition, repolarizing solution is being prepared: in 10% glucose solution add potassium chloride, magnesium and insulin.

Normalizing acid-base balance

Moderate to severe alcohol poisoning leads to an increase in the body of food, which are not completely oxidized. Pyrovinogradnaya, lactic and fatty acids contribute to the onset of acidosis, which often stops the progress of biochemical reactions. To prevent this, sodium bicarbonate is administered to the patient during alcohol intoxication.. It cannot be mixed with others and is rarely used at home., since the introduction 4% soda requires constant monitoring of the chemical composition of blood.

Toxic substances

Alcohol and its products are in the blood for a long time, as a result, the body cannot function normally. To remove residual alcohol, the doctor puts in a dropper with the following composition:: toilet, sodium thiosulfate, complex solutions, for example, Reamberin or mafusol. Such drugs prevent the development of acidosis, but they act much softer, than soda. At the same time, they normalize the electrolyte composition and have an antihypoxic effect..

Respiration recovery

Severe alcohol poisoning can stop breathing, because alcohol affects opiate receptors in the brain. In this case, the introduction of antagonists of such receptors is required, which do not allow alcohol-containing substances to bind to them and contribute to a feeling of euphoria. As a rule, for these purposes, such a drug is used, as “naloxone”.

Fortification with vitamins

To help the body fight poisoning and normalize metabolism, vitamins are added to glucose-salt solutions: thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinamide (vitamin PP), cocarboxylase (their enzymes). Thiamine is especially important, which is involved in the oxidation of alcohol. This vitamin in the dropper helps enhance the transfer of pyruvic acid into lactic acid. Vitamins C are also important for alcohol intoxication., B6, E.

Protect the liver

Since the neutralization of alcohol and the main metabolic process is carried out in the liver, the doctor puts a dropper with such a drug to restore this organ, like Essentiale, containing phospholipids. They prevent damage to liver enzymes, which neutralize intestinal poisons.

Increased blood glucose levels

The most common consequence of alcoholism is hypoglycemia. All I know, that thanks to glucose, the body is filled with energy, and when it is not enough, the brain begins to suffer. Alcohol often inhibits this substance and depletes glycogen stores, found in the liver.

This condition is very dangerous for malnourished patients., who are on a long-term binge or have problems with carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, the doctor puts a drip with a solution in such patients 5-10% glucose with small doses of insulin, which facilitates the utilization of this substance by body cells. Such droppers for alcohol intoxication, the composition of which is represented by glucose with insulin, perfectly restore vitality.

How long will it take for the procedure?

Treatment is prescribed depending on the patient’s condition. the patient’s condition and the degree of alcohol intoxication. A one-time procedure is recommended only in cases of alcohol poisoning or to eliminate signs of a severe hangover. People, who is hospitalized after a long binge, undergoing treatment for a certain period of time. Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes medications and may extend or cancel the procedure.


If alcohol intoxication is diagnosed, treatment (drip, compositional) should be carried out depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. At home, only a doctor can install an IV, since incorrect administration of the drug leads to negative consequences for the body.

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