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Not everyone knows about, many pharmaceutical drugs, available for sale without a prescription, may contain drugs. So, I remember, like my young neighbor and his buddies does drinking cough syrup, approximately a bottle per person. When I asked, not too sick whether they are on your head, that taking a drug in such quantities, me with a smile explained, what I don't understand, and no drug is steeper for 50 rubles, than mint syrup. In this article we will talk about, what is pharmacy drugs, what drugs were they held and what the result of their use.
Dr. house in every home
If you watched the cult TV series, in the course, that the main character's close "friends" with codeine – drug, widely used in cough medicines.
The fact, what drug is not always the powder, which can be purchased from a drug dealer for big money. Unfortunately or fortunately, a approved for sale drugs contain a certain amount of substances, leading to narcotic intoxication. What are these drugs and how they are called is not a secret, after all, you can find a lot of articles on this subject.
This group of pharmacy drugs included all drugs, which contain codeine (for example, the most popular drug "Terpincod", "Codelac", "Nurofen"). The effect of high dose of these drugs is very similar to the human exposure of morphine, that is not surprising – after all, codeine is a synthetic opiate.
When a person takes codeine, the feeling is very similar with taking other opiates. Comes rest and relaxation, anxiety and fears recede, instead we get the desire to create and to act. When the action of the drug is reduced and is no, in humans, there is apathy, sadness, depression. Codeine causes psychological and physical dependence, addictive and very dangerous.
Codeine, contained in cough medicines, craftsmen can easily make the drug desomorphine, known as "the Crocodile". The name of the drug is very good, after 5-6 months of regular use people is changing, turning into living zombies or crocodile.

Often people, sitting on the crocodile, amputated limbs, to save the whole body
The body is covered with sores and pus, rots, as in an extreme stage of syphilis, teeth fall out. Very often, people, sitting on the crocodile, amputated limbs, to save the whole body.
Drugs based on Tropicamide
Most often it is the substance found in eye drops. Doctors use it to improve pupil, in order to consider the patient's eyes the determination of the disease. Especially dangerous is the substance for the reason, what are these eye-drops not expensive, literally pennies. Use it most often for injection, injected into a vein. How does this substance?
Tropicamide is a powerful stimulant, which speeds up the process, occurring in the human nervous system. The addict feels after the injection of extraordinary courage and desire to run somewhere, something to do. Completely no desire to sleep and eat, a person can function as a smooth machine. What is dangerous Tropicamide, it's the fact, that physical dependence occurs after the first dose. Then it gets worse, it is person to try to abandon the substance, and he is experiencing extreme depression, leading to suicide.
In addition, Tropicamide is a very detrimental effect on the body, taking calcium. The patient within a few months of use of this substance can lose teeth, nails and hair, then comes the destruction of bone tissue comes painful death.
Drugs based on coax
This substance is contained in antidepressants. This substance is dangerous for two reasons. First, what koaksil is very addictive. Two or three injections and the man is a slave to this drug. The second reason is, what coaxil insoluble. When an addict enters into your vein the drug, it, in fact, it adds to the blood solid, which can cause blood clots and death.

If conventional drugs cause mental and physical dependence, the pharmaceutical preparations in addition to quickly and simply destroying the body
However, death is not so bad compared with the, what happens to a person. Addict, use coaxil, after three or four months after the use of, begins to rot and decompose alive, making a disgusting putrid smell. To save such a patient is very difficult, so dependent did not want to spare yourself from the use of coax.
Pharmacy drugs more dangerous, than normal
Pharmacists, creating drugs, did not expect, that people will grow accustomed to use them with the purpose of pleasure and the pursuit of high. So, do not be surprised, such substances are of great harm to the body, much more, than pure opiates, or the same pot. If conventional drugs cause mental and physical dependence, the pharmaceutical preparations in addition to quickly and simply destroying the body.
The smell of decay, ulcers, rash, blood clots – that's what the "delight" of people of substance from the pharmacy, if you use them for other purposes. Don't risk! No mimoletnoe pleasure is not worth your life and health.
Video “Drugs- harm!”
Pharmacy drugs are those drugs, which are available to everyone in the pharmacy and are not expensive. On the basis of these substances making a strong drugs or take them in pure form. These drugs quickly cause mental and physical dependence, destroying the human body. Save that, who sits on such substances, it is very difficult.