10 the most dangerous drugs

As of today, there are many developments to be able to answer the question: "What 10 the most dangerous drugs threatening the world?". First, we need to distance themselves from the government's proposed drug classification. In the political component, there was a certain proportion of someone's interests, slightly dated view of the situation.

10 the most dangerous drugs

One English Professor, a senior official, the chief, dealing with drugs, said, that riding on horseback is fraught with more danger, than strong emotional arousal from drugs. In addition, not all drugs are banned, there are more or less legitimate. Making a list of ten most dangerous drugs, the author aims to reveal the essence of the threat, which comes from each of the medications. Top 10 the most dangerous drugs will understand, what drugs cause panic in the international community.


Top most dangerous drugs opens ketamine. Other names: vitamin K, Special K or just K, K2. Although the production is focused on the use of his people, but it's not uncommon, subsequently, ketamine revealed another feature – the ability to pacify horses.

Was originally built to count on, he would be a great alternative to another drug called "Angel dust" (RSR), which quickly blocks pain impulses. However, edition RSR is still going on. In addition to basic pharmaceutical actions of this "vitamin" noticed interesting effects in the form of hallucinations lasting up to two hours. The specifics of these sessions is the presence of the ultimate feelings of detachment.


A chance to stay alive in case of excess doses minimum. There's no media, allowing the man to escape. The patient is connected to the life support system and try to stimulate its breathing. Consumers should be wary of ketamine the immediate psychological effects (or the slang term "K-hole") expressed in a detachment from reality.

Addiction will not be slow in coming, the person gradually comes to thoughts, that can't do without the drug. Under his blow hits the bladder, somewhere memory, some mental disorders. Even with the cessation of the drug there is a risk of getting a broken nervous system.


Which drug is the most dangerous? The, which is able to destroy a whole nation! In the environment of drug addicts to hear more original names: "speed", "speed". They just belong to the group of drugs-stimulants, allowed freely distributed by pharmacists. Attributed to people, suffering from attention deficit disorder, and the, who have increased motor activity and irritability. The dose of amphetamines will make a person more confident, put me in a state of excitation.


People, hooked on "speed", forced each time to increase the dose. Overdose very rarely died. Just as too low statistics strokes, heart attacks, etc. But, don't count, if large doses will not affect the brain. The most aggressive and recognizable amphetamine was due to the "speed syndrome". Data one study witnessed, nearly every fifth "heavy" fan says himself amphetamine psychosis, reached a clinical level. And 15 percent of this user group do not get rid of this addiction.

The behavior of, abusers of amphetamine, resembles schizophrenia, satellites which are hallucinations, excessive stimulation and seeming persecution.


Resourceful addicts they came up with another version of the name – "duck eggs". Valium (he diazepam) can be considered the most popular drug, which has soothing properties. He had become a worthy alternative to barbiturates, help fight depression. Regarding the occurrence of fatal outcome in overdose is unlikely to worry, but people get used to it definitely. Every American at home free to buy benzodiazepines with all its consequences.


Despite the fact, this class of drugs aims to tame the raging psyche, it is temazepama (benzodiazepine) connect the outbreak of violence in Britain in the 90-ies of the last century. It turns out some nonsense: the person who drinks the cure, hoping to get rid of the tormenting disease, but actually faced with even brighter severe psychosis and psychopathy. The patient is from, his behavior was inappropriate.


Who would have guessed, under harmless names "honey" or "horse" is encrypted it is the methadone. Artificially produced opiate had to struggle with heroin addiction and to reduce the level of mental and physical pain. In other words, it is prescribed to have a depressing effect on the nervous system. The effectiveness is almost indistinguishable from heroin. Finding a replacement last, the patient probably will not face this problem, as the acute withdrawal syndrome, consequence of the cessation of the use of narcotic substances.


After taking the body becomes warmer, felt a kind of peace. Fascinated, exhausting excess, a person may be in coma because of respiratory arrest. Methadone is not the most dangerous drug, but deaths from its use are rather big. Overdoses usually happen in those, seeking to quickly achieve the desired effect, or, when a person has not read the instructions for taking the drug. Statistics are stupid who passed away each year increases by four-digit number.

People, addictive opiate, sleeping on the move, its sick, pulls on vomiting, can't go to the toilet, there is physical weakness. On the one hand, lost appetite, and on the other – more likely to get fat. In the bladder accumulates fluid, since it is problematic to go outside.


As not only excelled lovers of this type of drug, they are coming up with their names romantic color: "purple heart", "the pink lady", red devils. At the time, barbiturates were popular with Housewives in the Americas. These sedative drugs found salvation from depression and anxiety; used to attract sleep.

In the end 60 years of the last century, users have suspected them of something bad. The verdict was not slow in coming – to 70-year barbiturates forbidden to sell to all and Sundry. This explains, why they were in sixth position in the list.


Barbiturates cause nervous system calmer to react to stimuli, man so good, what can cause euphoria. Slower enzymatic reactions occur, decreases excitability, that gives grounds to draw an analogy with ethyl alcohol. Barbiturates are potentially the murderer of one of their host, and therefore are the most dangerous drugs.

The specificity of this drug in, the patient barely has time to notice, when he managed to overcome the red line in the dosage of the drug. If you believe some sources, then his record should be even world-famous names: Jimmy Hendrix and Marilyn Monroe. You should not rely, if taking barbiturates permissible doses, you can feel safe. Alas, their perfidy in the presence of a whole bunch of side effects.


Tobacco smoke is to blame for the premature deaths of a fifth of the population. However, not all governments are unanimous in the need to ban cigarettes. To tobacco people quickly get used and difficult to part with nicotine addiction, exposing yourself to a slow death.


In some civilized countries still try to take control of cigarette Smoking, all institutionalized ways to limit.


The use and possession of alcoholic beverages on the territory of most countries in principle not considered criminal. This is one of the main reasons for the location of alcohol at the fourth position.


Not all alcohol-dependent would cost to rank in the category of "lost" people. So many of us, the fascination lasts as long, while it can withstand the liver.

Crystal meth

Among the "grated" addicts know him by name: "sneakers", "screw", "Shpuntik", "charging". The invention of this drug accounts for the 90-ies of the 19th century. In the Nazi army during hostilities 1939-1945 gg. methamphetamine has found use as a stimulant for maintaining morale tank commanders and pilots, flying fighters. Resourceful Americans, trying to solve the issue with growing obesity, in 1950 years nothing better came up, how to enlist the help of methamphetamine pills.

In modern conditions, to give a clear assessment of the reputation of "sneakers" ("screw", "Shpuntik", "charging") it would be wrong. But the fascination with them in the same USA has become an epidemic, people after a few weeks it becomes like a zombie, skeleton covered with skin. We should still be noted, that is not all it threatens.

Crystal meth

Although crystal methamphetamine is similar to amphetamine, but harm him more. Judging by the effects, here you can talk about the similarities of cocaine, only in time they stretched more. Methamphetamine increases the dopamine in the brain, a man comes into a state of euphoria. Receptors, responsible for release of dopamine, cease to function normally, therefore, the dose is each time changing. Sometimes, due to long-term medication have the facts of destruction of the gray matter of the brain.

Supporters of crystal meth can be recognized by the presence of acne (acne), open sores on the skin, tooth decay, which over time becomes chronic. Someone may seem like good news message about methamphetamine have revealed a remarkable ability to prolong sexual activity. Those, who have already experienced a miraculous cure, shows, what a remarkable man's strength allowed to use sexual potential few days. The main thing – do not overdo it with the dose.


The famous heroin a stock has an Arsenal of aliases: "accelerator", "coke", "the fly", "snow" etc. To achieve publishing appalling effect by using a relatively small dose of heroin. On the other hand, there is no certainty in that, bought from someone on the street a white powder – nothing else, as a pure "coke" no different impurities. So try to calculate in this case the dose is! When a fourfold excess of the permissible limit of death to the addict guaranteed.


Physical pain, experienced people, addicted to heroin, has special character. But the peculiarity in, that it securely holds and does not let go of a drug addict, completely crippling his life. A better expression, as the ability to take the soul hard to find.


This is the most dangerous drug in the world. The leader of this list also have funny names: "veselukha", "Rafinad", Charlie, "rime", "toxic". This is the most expensive and dangerous drug. It stands out from all the above drugs like a champagne among other alcoholic beverages. Not so long ago it was the preferred drug, which dabbled in basically a rock star, model, the participants of the trading on wall street, etc. Probably, no wonder they gave him the preference: experience the indescribable feeling, incomparable euphoria, get a charge limitless energy.


While meeting the needs for food or sex cocaine enhances pleasure, encouraging relevant divisions in the brain. Is then people can easily refuse from the services of Corsica. It is because of him often in the US by the drug leaves the ambulance. Basically, the challenges are associated with strokes and heart attacks cocaine addicts.

Only two weeks, to firmly develop a craving for a few years. Such people the best way to get rid of psychological dependence not find except suicide. In place of the usual coke came crack even more powerful drug. The effect after Smoking getting stronger, but its duration is shorter.


Attached to drugs are not necessarily offended by fate the people, but those, who have money enough. Connects them one thing – to experience the feeling of happiness, which, they believe, deprived. But in the end get only a ruined life. The list of "the 10 most dangerous drugs" should not be forgotten by anyone. These substances cause panic among government officials, who fear the destruction of the nation, as the increase of drug addicts is growing every year.

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