The combination of alcohol with medications remains of interest question. So is it possible to use these two substances simultaneously or not? The answer is very clear, you can not do that. It is understood, complications can, worth living, especially if the person to solve the time to eat sleeping pills and alcohol.

Sleeping pills compatible with alcohol – a dangerous combination, which everyone should know.
Alcohol + sleeping pills
A person of normal psychological development, certainly not decide to take sleeping pills, sipped a glass of alcohol. However, this problem still exists, so, ignore it not worth it. To better understand the responsibility, must be well versed in this issue.
Share two main reasons for forcing to resort to destructive combination:
- Nervous breakdown. Unhappy for a long time apprehensive, experience. His emotional state is stretched to the limit. The only chance a little bit to normal – to sleep, that's just the insomnia prevents this. Wanting to act against nature, people use sleeping pills, and for a more effective result, drink his alcohol.
- Alcoholism. In an effort to get out of the binge, many turn to drugs. They just don't understand, what is in the body ethanol can cause unpredictable results.
Sleeping pills compatible with alcohol – a dangerous combination, which everyone should know.
Sleeping pills, its effect on the body
Many people suffering from sleep disorders, the only salvation becomes a sleeping pill. It's just far more insidious., it seems. Long-term use, the drug can cause dependence, bad for human health.
At first glance, the pattern of consumption of tranquilizers is very positive. Consume people, fast asleep, and almost immediately falls into a deep sleep. He sleeps all night with no wakings, the nervous system is restored, the mood rises. It would seem, everything is just perfect, but in practice it's more serious. Reduction stage a short sleep facing a number of consequences: the absence of dreams, inability to Wake the person, a feeling of weakness when waking up. Very soon it leads to mental disorders.

Many people suffering from sleep disorders, the only salvation becomes a sleeping pill. It's just far more insidious., it seems.
Varieties of drugs
There are a huge number of drugs aimed at normalizing sleepy activities. In medicine, they are divided into several groups:
Barbiturates. Used in case of serious sleep disorders, apply only in medical institutions. All preparations of this group – drug, you can buy them by prescription only. Their use is only allowed under the supervision of experienced professionals, as able to instantly develop addictive. Here are the types of sleeping pills, which are available in pharmacies:
- Benzodiazepines. Weaker drugs, but are issued only by prescription. They are used quite rarely, because of a number of side effects.
- Z-drugs. Are not narcotic, prescribed by the attending physician. The dosage and course of treatment depends on the stage of insomnia. The appearance of side effects is quite rare.
- Agonists of receptors melatoninbuy. For sale without a prescription, ideal for all those, who has a light sleep – frequent awakenings. Is able to restore the biological rhythm of the person, returning to his healthy sleep.
- The histamine antagonists. The most safe drugs, often prescribe them even for pregnant women, and all due to minimum side effects.
Can sleeping pills with alcohol? This question is asked quite often doctors.
Compatible sleeping pills with alcohol

A person of normal psychological development, certainly not decide to take sleeping pills, sipped a glass of alcohol.
Sleep disturbance is a serious problem. An accident begins to feel fatigue. Its all annoying, unnerving, but to sleep, the self is not able. The only option seems to only alcohol, but it is often without effectively. Then apply a followed by a sleeping pill, but whether to do it?
In case of serious sleep disorders, doctors prescribe strong sleeping pills. To use them together with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Tranquillisers together with alcohol can affect the most unexpected way. The consequences can be terrible: trauma of the extremities, caused by deep sleep, the patient simply loses sensitivity, hence the compression of blood vessels.
Stop breathing as frequent manifestation of the Union of medicine with hot drinks. And this is only a small part of the possible consequences. Be sure, violation of the nervous system are guaranteed.
Union benzodiazepines + alcohol, can cause violation of physical condition and cause lethal outcome. For many it remains unclear, why, then, in addiction, the doctors resort to the use of these funds, knowing about side effects? There is more, doctors are responsible for their actions – prescribed drugs are strictly under control. That's why, being treated at home, you can not use barbiturates.
The use of melaxen with alcohol is also impossible, though he is considered to be compatible, with a small amount of alcohol, but it is better to do without experiments. The body every living entity is individual and will not know how to behave in a hormonal drug.
Talking about the safest drug Donormyl also need to abide by the rules. Interact with hot cocktails it can cause an overdose. This occurs under the influence of ethanol, which reduces the body's sensitivity. The outcome will be a serious poisoning, requiring medical assistance.
It should draw conclusions, the combination of two incompatible substances prohibited. The human body is suffering from a long time lack of normal sleep can respond spontaneously and dramatically. No one can say, how to behave together, these two substances. Therefore, to amuse the medication with alcohol is dangerous, and the more the pills cocktails.

The combination of alcohol with medications remains of interest question. So is it possible to use these two substances simultaneously or not?
Sleeping pills and alcohol: the consequences
The joint use of drowsy drug with any degree beverage may cause the appearance of the following consequences:
- stop breathing;
- constant desire to sleep;
- coma;
- inability to control own body;
- opening vomiting;
- breaking muscle;
- a sense of sparseness;
- the appearance of a nightmare, restless dreams.
For sure they will appear immediately or after the next impossible. The most important thing to understand, that risk can, worth living, if he should succumb.
Almost always there are exceptions, however, this situation without them. People should never resort to sleeping pills, if I drank even a little alcohol. The only advice in this case will be full of sobering up. You need to wait a moment, when the ethanol out of his system, only then it is permissible to take the drug. Healthy sleep is very important to all, but life is even more expensive.