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Many women can be compared to a workhorse, so the use of the term "weaker sex" is not always appropriate. And it, in addition, they are assigned by nature to bear children and, as they say, put them on your feet. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors sometimes dream to conceive a child and remains only a dream. But don't upset pharmacists have invented hormones, the course which you must pass. It was the main – one of those drugs, which is then used, when natural way to be a mother fails. The antiseptic and alcohol combine, many ladies, what is the consequence of this combination they have no idea.

Unfortunately, few people is aware, organizing the meeting of ethanol with hormonal drug. But in vain...
Welcome Antiseptic designed for a long period, during which may be the reason for drinking. Of course, for many women it would be interesting to hear the opinion on the compatibility of (or incompatibility) of alcohol with this drug.
Before, to respond to this question, it would be better to spend the kind of educational program about, what is the main and "what it eats".
The main: what is

In the absence of pregnancy treatment with Vitrum takes into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. More precisely, the exchange rate is pegged to a certain day. But in real life, of feasting and get-togethers with drinks not adjusted to the phase of the cycle.
One of the main components of the Antiseptic dydrogesterone – is an analogue of progesterone, the hormone, which is found in nature. The need for the use of the drug occurs, when the following pathology:
- progesterone in the body so a small amount of, what this provokes miscarriages;
- endometrial cells begin to form over their allotted limits
- menstruation did not appear, but if the same happen, from time to time;
- it is impossible to conceive due to impaired function of the corpus luteum in the period between ovulation and the start of bleeding (about two weeks);
- loss of hormonal function compensate for the respective therapy.
Dangerous to self-medicate pathology associated with gynecology, ignoring the doctor's advice. This is especially fraught with undesirable consequences in pregnant women. It is only in the competence of the expert calculation of the optimum dose.
The fact, mostly women during treatment with Vitrum no discomfort, does not mean the possibility of deterioration of health:
- occasionally, headache;
- in the uterus have bleeding;
- mammary glands swell and become more sensitive;
- the body is a stronger than usual reaction to allergens.
Very rarely, when the drug may be contraindicated. However, it is impossible to exclude the moment, that one or more substances from the composition of the tablets is badly perceived by the female body.

Initially, the Main task is to normalize the set of hormones, depends on the health of the woman.
The antiseptic and alcohol: compatibility and effects
The topic raised is of no interest to the lady, thinking about, when it is better to get pregnant. Another thing, women, which lay the question of procreation in the indefinite future.
In the absence of pregnancy treatment with Vitrum takes into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. More precisely, the exchange rate is pegged to a certain day. But in real life, of feasting and get-togethers with drinks not adjusted to the phase of the cycle. Unfortunately, few people is aware, organizing the meeting of ethanol with hormonal drug. But in vain...
Initially, the Main task is to normalize the set of hormones, depends on the health of the woman. However, appears ethanol, and the balance is disturbed – all, as they say, down the drain. Besides, drunk tablet, followed by ethyl alcohol appear together in the liver, where they are subjected to enzymatic digestion. But, due to the presence of ethanol, this process is more intense, the medication does not accumulate in the body, and leaves it much faster. Thus, there is no benefit in drug, if the person lacks the willpower to deny myself the pleasure of good to sit with friends.

Danger joint use of Antiseptic or alcohol should no longer doubt. Especially to avoid this we need a woman, which soon plans to get pregnant.
This trouble does not end. Drinking women have more pronounced side effects caused by medication. And the Main joke, generally not worth it. As you know, the body responds to the presence of ethanol the expansion of blood vessels. Therefore, we should not be surprised, after a happy get-togethers will appear breakthrough uterine bleeding.
How to combine?
Danger joint use of Antiseptic or alcohol should no longer doubt. Especially to avoid this we need a woman, which soon plans to get pregnant. Does this mean, that wines in General must go?
In order, with the help of the kidneys pill Antiseptic left the body will need at least three days. So, what you need to be patient, wait for the specified period, and then you can take heart. Again, this requirement does not apply to those ladies, which are at the stage of conception. Better, if they will forget about the existence of alcohol.