The reason for the hangover is to be found in intoxication of the body due to the spread in it of ethyl alcohol. Shell, covering the cells of the liver, the pancreas and other organs, collapse under the influence of poison substances. Subsequently, they will be functioning as before. No doubt, a person's life is in danger, but how critical is it?

To save man we must act quickly. For example, in the case of acute disorders of blood circulation in the brain, the so-called "therapeutic window" of no more than six hours.
Death by hangover
Because of the similarity of the signs of a hangover are often confused with other diseases., caused by abuse of alcohol. For those, whom nature has rewarded some disease fun celebrations sometimes have unfortunate consequences. To save man we must act quickly. For example, in the case of acute disorders of blood circulation in the brain, the so-called "therapeutic window" of no more than six hours. It is important to learn to find distinctive signs of specific diseases, in order not to confuse them with the hangover.
You should not rely on "maybe", when it comes to hangovers. Before you bother the emergency call hotline emergency medical care, you must first think, how to explain, why there is an urgent need to call.
The cause of death from a hangover
Hangover poses a serious risk to human under the following circumstances:
- the amount of alcohol "accepted on a breast" so big, that can lead to death;
- worsen existing disease;
- effects of ethanol awakens dormant in the body for different pathologies.
You can die after drinking a bottle of vodka with a capacity of 0,75 liter during a six-hour period. Mistaken are those, seeking salvation in a snack – on the contrary, will only get worse. The piquancy of the situation is, what hops did not immediately overwhelm a person. He is given the opportunity to stuff the body deadly potion.
All the more at risk of poisoning by alcohol people, long using it, once in a strong relationship.
Aggravation of disease is a frequent cause of death
Ethanol destroys people from the inside, regardless, how much poison regularly ingested. Internal organs cease to perform initially assigned to them by the nature of the problem. We have the following negative changes in the body.

You can die after drinking a bottle of vodka with a capacity of 0,75 liter during a six-hour period. Mistaken are those, seeking salvation in a snack – on the contrary, will only get worse.
Abruptly changing rhythms of heartbeats, until it stops, violated the metabolic processes in this organ. Dyspnea is present at rest and during exercise. The heart becomes so, what is unable to pump blood, last stagnates in the small terms of circulation.
Therefore, swollen lungs with their alveoli accumulates phlegm, there is a so-called oxygen starvation due to narusinsight gas exchange (alveoli filled with fluid). It is manifested by blueness of the skin, intense cold sweating.
Conditions are favorable for the formation of ulcers on the gastric mucosa, the walls of which are damaged, flat out. Often it comes to bleeding in the stomach. About that person first learns, paying attention to bowel movements – they acquire a very uncharacteristic dark shade.
Inflamed pancreas, since its ducts become so narrow, that stagnates pancreatic juice, no is a complete outflow in the 12-duodenum. This body would be digesting itself. The presence of the described phenomena one finds then, when the gland begins to ache painfully. Do not stop heartburn, burp, the day begins with the urge to vomit, even with the blood.
Diabetics and people who suffer from gout you have to pay for the satisfaction of a desire to "hang out" with alcohol. Because this chemical makes adjustments for the worse in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the synthesis and breakdown of nitrogen containing compounds (purines).
Ethyl alcohol depresses lymphocytes and leukocytes, accordingly, the body is weakened, becoming defenseless in the event of, when it is attacked by infection. Body misinformed, mistakenly sensing your own cells as foreign, or, scientifically speaking, appear autoimmune reactions.
Due to the occurrence of damage in a certain region of the liver, she refuses to operate at full power. Acetaldehyde (a breakdown product of alcohol), bypassing the liver and without neutralization, freely distributed throughout the body, poisoning his. People almost all the time sleepy, his breathing is superficial. The brain reacts unconscious state and hallucinations. Alcoholic delusional, performs several times the same movement, what cries, not in control of his emotions, all-around annoying.
Hepatic coma and failure of other organs
A number of signs should make us think about the inevitable onset of hepatic coma:
- yellowness of the skin;
- urine is not yellow, and darker, than usual;
- the stool is too light;
- it is difficult to Express their thoughts in speech form;
- people hiccups, stomach pain under ribs in right side;
- afraid to die.
The patient needs emergency medical care, if it's too slow on the uptake, poorly coordinated their movements, quickly and involuntarily shrinking muscles of the extremities (tremor), the mouth produces an unpleasant smell, increased body temperature.
Often inflamed lungs. Pneumonia in those, who is heavily addicted to alcohol, becomes protracted complications. Haunted shortness of breath, increased body temperature. A symptom of this disease is also serve blue lips. The processes in the liver entail neuropsychiatric syndrome and conduct disorder, lose a large amount of nerve endings, convulsive symptoms

Conditions are favorable for the formation of ulcers on the gastric mucosa, the walls of which are damaged, flat out. Often it comes to bleeding in the stomach.
Inflammation in the kidneys. Great danger expose themselves to those lovers of booze, which "bouquet" of disease is present in kidney stones. Ethanol activates in ureter stones. The patient begins to suffer renal colic. The effect becomes greater due to the fact, that alcohol tends to reduce the inner diameter of the ureter. When it hurts specifically in one place of the back, the abdomen, hip.
Fluid is left in the bladder after emptying. People are not excited, still loses sexual desire, disappear pleasant feeling. Of course, we can live with it, but still... is Changing the composition of the skeleton, so several times increases the likelihood of fractures. The immune system reacts to the appearance in the body harmful chemicals slowly. This is evidenced by urticaria, irresistible desire to scratch the skin.

A regular party with alcohol may end with trouble in the form of poisoning the body.
To attack foreign protein compounds, the immune system immediately responds by swelling of almost the whole surface of the skin, anaphylactic shock, the narrowed lumen of the bronchi. With rapidly developing angioedema can be associated with a lethal outcome. At home almost impossible to get rid of this deadly allergic reactions. It is useful to think well, before you start pohmelnyy with alcohol early in the day.
To determine the presence of angioedema can be swollen of the larynx and subcutaneous tissue in the facial region of the head, itching of the skin, panic the human condition.
After a really great party, held the day before, it is useful to look in the mirror. In his reflection you can see frighteningly swollen face, puffy eyes, what should be alerted its owner. It is urgent to dial saving phone number 103. In the case of edema Kvinke sometimes resorted to the dissection of the anterior wall of the trachea and the introduction of a special tube. To think there is very little time – no more 60 minutes. This may be the only chance to save a man from choking.