Table of contents article:
- 1. Permission control
- 2. Smart Recovery
- 3. Ibogaine
- 4. Emotional Freedom Technique
- 5. Online support groups
- 6. Neurofeedback
- 7. Specialized groups, chats, forums
- 8. Hallucinogens
- 9. HAMS
- 10. Tamkrabok Monastery
- 11. NAD - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
- 12. Meditation
- 13. Rational Refusal
- 14. Women for sobriety
- 15. Topamax
- 16. Eightfold Path
- 17. Neuro Linguistic Programming
Popular 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are so dominant in international addiction recovery culture, that one can easily forget about other ways to sober up.
Recall, what 12 steps are as follows:
- Admit your powerlessness over alcohol, in fact, that your life is unmanageable and you have a problem with alcohol.
- Believe in a higher power, which can restore you and enable you to return to a healthy life. AA members acknowledge God or a higher power.
- that can restore you and enable you to return to a healthy life. AA Members Recognize God or a Higher Power.
- Take a fearless moral inventory of your past and present mistakes. You must work, that can restore you and enable you to return to a healthy life. AA Members Recognize God or a Higher Power.
- that can restore you and enable you to return to a healthy life. AA Members Recognize God or a Higher Power, to ourselves and to the other person in the true nature of our mistakes. You must admit your mistakes to the other person., in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power.
- Allow your higher power to remove any flaws in your character.. Let go and accept, in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power.
- in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, meditation, Recall.
- in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, and be ready to make amends. This step involves planning and admitting your mistakes..
- in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, in addition to recognizing them internally and recognizing them as your highest power, unless it causes more harm to either party. This step puts the eighth step into action.
- Continue to take a personal inventory and recognize immediately, if and when errors occur.
- Strive to improve our conscious contact with our higher power., think about every day, ponder, something went wrong, and how you can keep improving.
- Having achieved spiritual awakening as a result 12 steps, take the message to other alcoholics and keep putting them into practice.
If these steps work for you, this is wonderful. If not, there are many alternative tools and methods, which you can try and more about them.
In addition to the above and below methods, there are specialized medical centers, who are professionally engaged in the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts through coding –, as well as hypnosis, injections, sewing in ampoules, etc.. On the site “Narcologist Express” a wide range of services is available in many cities of Russia.
1. Permission control
Permission management is for people in the early stages of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol: "problem drinkers", not "alcoholics". It is a behavior change program and a network of support groups for people, wanting to make positive lifestyle changes, and, as the name implies, This program, based rather on moderation in alcohol consumption, than on abstinence.
He has his steps - nine of them - which, according to the organization, can help followers achieve balance and moderation in all aspects of their lives. The organization is open about, what 30 The organization is open about, The organization is open about, The organization is open about. The organization is open about, The organization is open about, possible, The organization is open about.
2. Smart Recovery
The organization is open about. The organization is open about, possible, The organization is open about. The organization is open about, The organization is open about, The organization is open about (SMART Recovery) SMART Recovery; SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery. SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery.
3. Ibogaine
SMART Recovery, banned in some countries, although in other countries it is used to treat opiate addiction, alcohol and other drugs. Considered, that it works, weakening the brain's "reward pathway", and may be particularly effective in reducing the effects of withdrawal, although its illegal status in the US means, that research on its functioning and effects is limited.
4. Emotional Freedom Technique
This technique, also known as "tapping", includes just that: tapping on a series of pressure points when talking about, what problem are you facing, for example, with an addictive desire. with an addictive desire. with an addictive desire, with an addictive desire.
5. Online support groups
with an addictive desire, with an addictive desire, with an addictive desire. with an addictive desire. with an addictive desire, with an addictive desire; around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers, around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers. around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers, around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers. around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers, around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers.
6. Neurofeedback
around each of these blogs there is a small sober community of writers, thus, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback. learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback. learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback.
7. Specialized groups, chats, forums
learn to change certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback, abstinence based, abstinence based, abstinence based, abstinence based. abstinence based, abstinence based: abstinence based, abstinence based. abstinence based, abstinence based. abstinence based.
8. Hallucinogens
This is an unorthodox method, but some researchers (and enthusiasts) claim, that hallucinogens may be effective in treating addiction. The aforementioned ibogaine is one such example.; also worth mentioning magic mushrooms and ayahuasca, healing drink, traditionally used by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Research is ongoing and controversial, but it is believed, that hallucinogens can affect brain cell receptors, that control addiction, because they are similar to the brain's natural neurotransmitters. At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered.
At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered. At a less scientific level, it is considered.
At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered. At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered, At a less scientific level, it is considered. She does it with a book, She does it with a book, She does it with a book, She does it with a book, She does it with a book. She does it with a book.
10. Tamkrabok Monastery
She does it with a book. She does it with a book, She does it with a book. She does it with a book, or sacred vow, do not use intoxicants, as well as herbal treatment, which offers that, what is alarmingly called "very real and very fast detoxification". There is no treatment fee, but you have to pay for the food yourself, drinks and cigarettes. Treatment usually lasts ten to twenty-eight days.
11. NAD - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
The full name of NAD is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.. It's a coenzyme, plays an important role in the body's energy production, and is considered, that when administered in high doses, it reduces food cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Was found, that it helps in rapid detoxification from substances, including opiates, alcohol, cocaine, methadone and benzo.
12. Meditation
Mindfulness has become a popular treatment for mental illness in the last few years., and fact, long known to followers of Eastern spirituality, became public knowledge: Meditation is surprisingly effective in treating a huge range of mental health problems., including substance abuse.
Many studies have shown, that regular meditation practice can be just as effective, like a traditional relapse prevention program, like a traditional relapse prevention program. like a traditional relapse prevention program: like a traditional relapse prevention program, like a traditional relapse prevention program, like a traditional relapse prevention program, like a traditional relapse prevention program. like a traditional relapse prevention program, like a traditional relapse prevention program 11 like a traditional relapse prevention program.
13. Rational Refusal
like a traditional relapse prevention program, based on abstinence from drugs and based on an addictive voice recognition technique. No groups or support centers; the organization believes, that it is not necessary and actually promotes relapse. This method is, to isolate your Beast - an inner voice, that makes you want to drink or take drugs - and defeat him alone. Simple, but the method's clever ideology makes you rejoice in the pain of quitting, as proof of your Beast's death.
14. Women for sobriety
Women for Sobriety - Another Sobriety Support Group and Program. The New Life program is based on thirteen statements, based on the principles of positivity and responsibility for one's own life, such as "Enthusiasm is my daily exercise" and "I am responsible for myself and my actions". The effectiveness of the program depends on, whether the followers will spend time with these thirteen statements every morning and choose one of them as the main one every day. Support available in self-help groups abroad, and also on the online forum
15. Topamax
Topamax is an anticonvulsant drug, traditionally used to prevent seizures and migraines. It is not yet federally approved for addiction treatment., but studies show, that it can partially reverse the damage, inflicted on neurotransmitters by prolonged alcohol abuse, restore the balance of chemical processes in the brain and, thus, reduce cravings for alcohol.
16. Eightfold Path
Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction, Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction. Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction. Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction, Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction, Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction. Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist way to get rid of addiction 2014 year, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet. and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet.
17. Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro Linguistic Programming (and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet) and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet. and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet. and since then groups and meetings appear all over the planet, and addiction therapy is just one of many proposed uses.. Proponents of NLP claim, that the best way to cure addiction is to change the way the person thinks, and NLP claims, what exactly does it do.

memo, how to sober up fast.