Popular chewing gum Smoking

Daily bad habits are attacking a growing number of people. Without realizing it, they fall into the tenacious shackles, out of which is quite difficult. Smoking is a real scourge of modern society, to get which is quite simple, but to get rid of it, not everyone can. Many smokers are moderated, most importantly be patient, but often, willpower is not enough. That is why gum Smoking is widespread.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of products in different cost. However, regardless of the price tag, all of them work on the same principle – chewing gum, the body begins to receive the necessary amount of nicotine. Gum vs Smoking for many has become a real boon, after using it, you can get rid of bad habits without the stress.

Popular chewing gum Smoking

Gum Smoking: useful or not?

Their principle of action gum vs Smoking resemble the usual gum. To use them, don't need any prior training, they are effective, and most importantly help to return to normal life painlessly. Gum vs Smoking is used when you first thought about the desired tightening.

The main thing, good to chew, the only way to get the desired amount of nicotine. After research, it was revealed, he begins to enter the blood only after 10 minutes of intense movements. However, abuse is also not recommended, after half an hour gum Smoking should be thrown out.

As for the number of rubber bands, it is necessary to proceed from personal characteristics. When Smoking 20 cigarettes a day, you need to chew about 15 gum. It is important to understand – gum Smoking helps to get rid of habits, therefore, the number of plates should daily be reduced. Gradually the need to increase the interval between meals, the only way to achieve the desired result. In practice, it was found, that heavy smokers were able to return to normal life after 3 months of use.

Gum Smoking: efficiency

Gum Smoking: efficiency

To give an absolute guarantee, that the smoker will definitely refuse from cigarettes is quite difficult. A lot depends on own desire, willpower. Gum vs Smoking, the price of which fluctuates seriously, showed good results. Revealed, even low-cost counterparts helped, but only those, who was really ready to fight.

Deciding to tie, buy nicotine gum just need, maybe she will become a lifeline. It is worth noting, this method has several advantages:

  1. Ease of use, it can be applied at any time without departing from the usual schedule.
  2. A wide range of tastes. Throw is not only easy, but nice.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. The speed of action. After 10 minutes, nicotine enters the bloodstream.

The gum is easy to take along and use, being among smokers friends.



Regardless of the strength of desire, before using, you should definitely consult a doctor. An experienced specialist, based on the specific situation, will be able to find the right dosage. Ignoring this item, you can easily get side effects. Typically these include:

  • hiccups;
  • indigestion;
  • the formation of ulcers in the mouth.

Usually each bundle contains a user manual, in need of reading. Buy nicotine gum you can get in those cases, when a person does not have:

  • heart disease;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • failures of the kidneys.

In all other cases of gum from Smoking the reviews were only positive.

Gum Smoking Nicorette

Gum Smoking Nicorette

Today, many pharmaceutical companies offer customers a wide range of choice of goods. Gum Smoking price reaches of different sizes in the common extent has the same principles. however, special popularity was got by the products Nicorette. The reason is the number of features:

  • contains no sugar;
  • the special ingredients are able to whiten tooth enamel;
  • great selection of flavors.

Usually they are made in the insert size 2-4 mg. If the dependency was weak enough 2 mg daily. With the active Smoking need dosage 4 mg. It is important to remember the day you cannot use more 10 plates.

How much is the gum from Smoking you can easily find at your local pharmacy. Much depends on dosage, brand and positive reviews.

Side effects

This drug is similar to the conventional rubber band, but still you should stick to a special technique of use. To do this, to chew the pad should be slow. Soon shall arise the bitter taste of nicotine. With the advent of the rubber band should be placed between gum and cheek. After a while it will disappear and you can safely re-chew plate.

The main contraindication is the use of the product during pregnancy, lactation and chronic diseases.

It is impossible to prevent overdose, to do this is to stick to the required dose, otherwise, you increase the possibility to have unpleasant consequences:

  • severe headache;
  • nausea;
  • retching;
  • stomatitis;
  • severe pain in the throat;
  • throat swelling.

For efficiency, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of plates. When it reaches 1-2 pieces per day, you can stop using.

Chewing gum became a real innovation. Because with their help increases the likelihood of a return to normal life. Most important to begin treatment with their own desires, the only way to overcome the habit.

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