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"12 steps" method, which spoke all over the world. Relatives of drug users actively wondering – does the program cope with addiction or is it another hoax! From this post you will learn, what is included in this program and how it works.

The program "12 steps" can be called one of the most effective programs, created for recovery from ALCO- and drug addiction.
When there was a program 12 steps?
This program is, in the thirties of the last century in America.The program "12 steps" developed countries, where the drug problem is given special attention. Dozens of drug treatment during the twelve years studied the methods.
It all started with anonymous meetings alcoholics, that came to a disappointing conclusion, what to get rid of alone from the disease impossible. We developed a special program, consisting of twelve stages. Later this course has been adapted for the treatment of drug addicts. In the CIS countries "12 steps" came relatively recently, about twenty years ago and was the most popular course of treatment.
“Steps” program
To get closer to the program "12 steps", you need to try to quit (possible, repeatedly), to deal with failure, with the breaking of the, with his own powerlessness before the desire to the dose, and then people will be ready to declare defeat. Here are the basic steps, which should help to cope with addiction:
- People should accept the fact, he can't overcome addiction on their own. In fact, he gives in and admits defeat, tells myself and everyone else: "I'm powerless. I can't do anything with their addiction, and here she is ruining my life". Those addicts, who believe, that they fully control the process of drugs, myself, and decide on the medication is not yet ready for the first step, and, accordingly, treatment.
The program "12 STEPS"- truly- one of the greatest inventions 20- century. It is a universal program for the treatment of all types of addictions.
- The second phase is fully interconnected with the first through logic. People, realizing, what is stalled and he can not fight able, accept the fact, that can only help him to power, more powerful, what he and his inner self. After all, past attempts to quit drugs are not successful, and now he must turn for help to something from the outside.
- The third stage involves the personification of a force, identified in the second step. For each person this powerful force can be someone, who is most closely associated with his miropredstavleniya. For example, most often it is God, but it can also be an angel, astral essence, bright spirit or image of the deceased mother or another close relative.
- Addicts, as a rule, no guilt for your life. Sick people are not subjected to evaluation your life, actions. But this step is necessary for those, who has the aim to cure the disease. Therefore, in this step, people need to refocus external powerful forces on the inner, by placing the prototype inside itself. There is a replacement ego super-ego.
- Guilt is not useful for the treatment of a drug addict, but to identify it is a must. So, realizing, he was wrong, the patient should immediately secure for himself an understanding, what wrong it was previously, in a past life, when you were using drugs.
- In this step, the patient should be ready to, to powerful personalized power delivered him from addiction. It all depends on the work of the psychologist. Actually, here not-yet-happening of the action (deliverance), occurs only fixing of the fact of readiness.
- At this stage, the patient asks mighty power to deliver him from illness. Bleaching is his own ego. Thanks in advance the work of the people is well aware of, what he needs to get rid of and what to ask powerful forces.
- In this step, the patient makes a list of all the people, before whom he is guilty. This step is necessary in order, to dependent person could get rid of his guilt for past life. This step can cause aggression, which the person may refer to himself (relapse), and other people. To avoid this, done the following, active, the ninth step.
- The patient decides, how can he make amends to those people, which brought harm or pain.
- Introspection continues, people seek out the mistakes in my past life, recognize them. This step is necessary for the reason, that is still possible outbursts of aggression.
- Ongoing communication with the super-ego, powerful force, which helps the patient. Man prays and acknowledges, he was willing to hear any request and fulfill it.
- At this stage, the patient reaches a spiritual awakening from a drug induced sleep. He is able to understand, how can you live with the past, where he was addicted and lots of mistakes, learn to accept this fact and not feel more guilt, which can lead to self-destruction. .
Over time, the personality is restored, the patient receives more and more opportunities for their liberation and spiritual development. The effectiveness of the program "12 steps" proven. There are people, which is really a talk about, this method helps to give up drug dependence.
Effective if "the 12 steps"?
A curious fact, but, despite the development of psychology as a science, with 1939 year this program almost nothing was corrected or supplemented. This suggests, that the program is effective and has been running quite well for decades. Get help from "the 12 steps anyone can, any age, sex, social status, and most important of all persuasions.
A person can be an atheist or a true believer, young or old, rich or poor, in any case, he gets access to the meeting and to the program itself. Self-treatment in this program is very difficult, not to say that it is impossible, since the addict will not be able to realize himself all the steps, he must like socializing with other addicts, and with the psychologist. Meetings for the program are in a closed form, which come only addicts, in the open, where everyone can come to their relatives.
Drug addiction is a plague of modern society. Only you can decide, which method to trust. The main thing, time to help this person, on the brink. The program "12 steps" in ten years to come to pass round date – century. With 1939 years of this treatment did not change, and to this day is considered the most effective in the fight against drug addiction and any addiction. To help any person, regardless of faith, religious beliefs, age and sex.