Dropper from binge at home: in what cases they help

drip at homeOne of the most characteristic signs of alcohol addiction – periods of drinking. Frequent alcohol consumption on the second day is explained by the desire to remove alcohol intoxication.. Thus a vicious circle is formed.. As the disease progresses, the duration of periods of drunkenness increases.. There is a danger of delirium tremens. In emergency cases, help for patients with alcohol addiction is provided at home. Depending on the situation, it is a detoxification therapy, allowing to safely transport the patient to the narcological clinic or dropper from hard drinking at home, after which treatment continues on an outpatient basis.

The mechanism of development of all types of hard drinking is the same: increased release of catecholamines, i.e. adrenal hormones, causes tachycardia, nausea, tremor, increase in blood pressure. To relieve negative feelings, the patient is forced to take new doses of alcohol..

The way to quickly cleanse the body of the decay products of ethyl alcohol is infusion therapy.. The composition of the dropper from binge at home includes the following drugs:

  • saline solution, gemodez, saline restores acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism;
  • Glucose improves brain nutrition;
  • Vitamin and potassium-magnesium complexes compensate for nutrient deficiencies;
  • Antiemetics inhibit the gag reflex, preventing the development of dehydration;
  • Antidepressants, sedatives, neuroleptics and antipsychotics according to indications;
  • Antiepileptic drugs at risk of developing alcoholic epilepsy;
  • Nootropics increase cerebral blood flow, improve cognition and memory, reduce hangover symptoms.

Before starting treatment, the narcologist consults the relatives of the patient. Specialist visits home. He assesses the patient's condition and decides on the therapeutic tactics and the composition of the detox solution. Need to know, that with prolonged continuous abuse, signs of delirium tremens and withdrawal symptoms or severe somatovegetative disorders require hospitalization.

The prognosis depends on the duration of use, general condition of the body, the presence of severe somatic diseases. Patient motivation is important. Sometimes a dropper from binge at home * allows you to normalize a person's condition. But in most cases, this is only the first stage of long-term therapy and rehabilitation..

To get professional help, just contact the Novo Tera clinic. Doctors of the highest category work here. They will consult over the phone.. After that, the employee will come to the patient. He will conduct a detailed examination., choose an individual treatment program. The doctor will adjust the composition of the solution and the dosage of drugs when setting up a dropper from binge at home. Even after stabilization of the condition, doctors do not leave a person and his family alone with trouble. They leave appointments, correct the course of rehabilitation, provide follow-up.

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