Alcohol and Botox

The drug Botox has lately become the most popular in cosmetics. It is prescribed for treatment of wrinkles on the skin. Women in this way prolong youth. The question often arises about the compatibility of alcohol and ongoing facial rejuvenation. According to experts, the answer is no.

Alcohol and Botox

Alcohol after Botox: contraindications

In the composition of balatarin Botox contains type A, a specific substance, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles. Beauticians use this property of the drug order, to get rid of skin creases and wrinkles.

When you hit Bolotova in the human body (while eating) it may be laryngeal paralysis. The most dangerous, as a result, may occur paralysis of the heart muscle, what is fatal.

Alcohol after Botox

Alcohol is a poison, it is well known. Botox in its kind also is a toxic substance. The combination of two poisons, two dangerous, and is able to disrupt the entire nervous system. In addition to this,, there is an active oxidation of alcohol, formed decomposition products, it is their selection to the human body. The use of alcohol is characterized by enhanced vasodilatation.

Accordingly, the molecules of brooksyne, injected under the skin, mixed with the blood and quickly spreads throughout the circulatory system. Therefore to drink alcohol, how to, and after the procedure, in any case it is impossible. Is facing intoxication, but in large doses is poisoning the internal organs.

How long no alcohol after Botox

To avoid trouble, you can. For this it is necessary to adhere to recommendations:

  • before treatment should be deleted reception alcohol for 3 days. During this period, the alcohol is completely eliminated from the body;
  • Botox injections in the face to the body are stress. The situation might complicate the intake of alcoholic beverages. It is recommended sparing diet, excluding acute, smoked and fatty meals;
  • after the dropping of the drug is prohibited to consume alcohol during 14 days.

How long no alcohol after Botox

Beauty shots are in the face. Drinking alcohol during this period is strictly prohibited. Penetrating into the blood and interact with Botox, the muscles of the face can permanently mertveci and turn into the "iron" mask. This will already require surgical intervention, dangerous new scar tissue. To hide them is almost impossible. Alcohol after Botox after 2-3 months.

Possible consequences

Doctors warn their customers, who decided on the beauty shots, about the dangers of alcohol, how to, and after surgery. Violation of these guidelines may cause multiple complications, among them:

  1. Respiratory paralysis and the entire respiratory system, that threatens death if failure to provide timely medical help.
  2. Possible large blood loss. The reason for this is, that alcohol and Botox interacting, expand the blood vessels. They, in turn, are easily damaged. If the person during the procedure of dropping medicine has received a small wound, the probability of severe bleeding is quite high.
  3. Forbidden alcohol after carrying out beauty shots because, it is possible the opposite effect. Wrinkles will not happen, and they will remain. In the worst case, the wrinkles will get bigger and deeper.
  4. Injections of botulinum toxin and alcohol dangerous education in place of punctures, uneven and ugly bumps, and maybe a darkening of the skin.
  5. Alcohol after treatment for rejuvenation threatens to swelling of the skin, often happens her strong numbness. Vomiting occurs, headaches, insomnia and constant anxiety. Man falls into depression, possible hallucinations.

Drinking alcohol after beauty shots greatly prolongs the recovery period. It is impossible to take risks and to expose their dangerous experiments. Any drinks, containing alcohol, banned, as before the procedure rejuvenation, and after it.

Consultation with an experienced aesthetician is mandatory before carrying out Botox injections. This will help to avoid many mistakes and get the desired result.

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