Currently, the physicians know, Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer. Once addicted to Smoking, not so easy to abandon cigarette. This is especially dangerous for the mother, which feeds her child. Smoking when breastfeeding is a problem for many mothers.

Smoking is commonplace. But if a man, which is addicted to cigarette, harms only themselves, the woman, if she got pregnant, poses a threat to the fetus.
Smoking and feeding
Tobacco contains nicotine is addictive. People can smoke certain number of cigarettes a day and at first, this relationship does not feel. But the more he smokes, the more the blood saturated with harmful substances, so there is a habit. You want more and more, a rejection of the traditional way of life with a cigarette is causing a serious break-up.
Smoking is commonplace. But if a man, which is addicted to cigarette, harms only themselves, the woman, if she got pregnant, poses a threat to the fetus. The period of feeding breast milk also is the reason, what the younger kid gets a substantial portion of harmful components, contained in tobacco. Woman, which left this bad habit, need to know:
- nicotine, this is a vegetable poison, but apart from him during combustion produces many other harmful substances, tar and carcinogens, that affect the body negatively, and penetrate into the milk of lactating mothers, and then in the body of the child;
- there is a misconception, that harmful substances from tobacco do not have time to penetrate into the mother's milk, but it's not, because it is already within 30 minutes all of them are contained in this nutritious fluid and the growing body gets them to their fullest, as if he's a smoker;
- nicotine is derived from milk for three hours, but even after that continue to be poisons, toxic baby.
Better to try it out, before having a baby.

Smoking when breastfeeding is a problem for many mothers.
Is it safe Smoking while breastfeeding
Dependence occurs as the blood saturated with nicotine. The more I smoke, the more there is dependence. The body requires the constant presence of this substance in the blood, therefore, a smoker smokes one cigarette after another. Abandon this not just, but a nursing mother needs to know important things about Smoking:
- breast milk is not a Converter of those substances, which enter during Smoking in a woman's body, they are at full strength be in it, so, passed a growing kid's body;
- if the mother smokes in the room, all her children become smokers, passive Smoking more dangerous than active;
- there is an opinion, if nicotine hardly penetrates into mother's milk, but it's not, he absorbed it and transferred to the growing child. Complications arise in the future is heart disease, vessels;
- Smoking affects the very lactation, the more the mother smokes, the less her milk, and thus the feeding difficult, according to statistics, within four months Smoking mother can not breastfeed a baby, because the glands do not secrete milk, respectively happening too early transition to artificial feeding;
- another important point is that, the milk of Smoking mothers becomes a kind of unpleasant smell, which often babies refuse the breast, not receive the required feeding.
All these facts prove one simple idea – pregnant, then nursing mothers should not Smoking during lactation.

Smoking affects the very lactation, the more the mother smokes, the less her milk, and thus the feeding difficult
Harm to the child
During pregnancy no Smoking mother, as this can lead to hypoxia of the child, but during feeding it is necessary to refuse this habit:

If the mother does not give up Smoking during breastfeeding, can occur irreversible problems
- nicotine, dissolving in the mother's blood, comes along with milk in the body of the baby, thereby causing increased excitability, the child becomes capricious, often crying and not sleeping;
- this substance has a harmful effect on the nervous system, the baby becomes overly excitable, often wakes up in the night, appear disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is easier to give up cigarettes, than to destroy himself and child. If the mother does not give up Smoking during breastfeeding, can occur irreversible problems:
- weight reduction and the growth of the child;
- poor immunity, which the child will suffer constant colds, even a small draft can cause a serious complication;
- many diseases, can become chronic, t. e. will be repeated periodically;
- may cause allergic reactions;
- common disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- violations by the cardiovascular system.
Children of Smoking mothers often become heavy smokers. While in school they have learning disabilities, they are poorly characterized material, can't concentrate, and generally a bad student.
If it is impossible to abandon the nicotine
Not so easy to give up Smoking, man, who for many years committed to this habit. Even when the woman in the womb of hatching a new life it is not easy to abandon his old habits, in such cases, we can recommend the following:
- we must try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked during the day;
- Smoking should be after feeding, and not before;
- more to drink different liquids, as this will help flush nicotine from the body;
- need to eat well, and this applies not only to heavy smokers, but for all nursing mothers;
- you can't smoke in the room, where is the baby, we should always remember, in that case he becomes a smoker;
You should observe basic rules of hygiene after Smoking: rinse mouth, to wash hands, it would be good, to mother did not smell of cigarettes.
It is not easy to stop Smoking fact, who are already addicted to this habit, but the woman, bears a child, gave birth to him, should try to do it. Because it affects not only his health, but my entire life. If it is difficult to give up this addiction, at least, go to electronic cigarettes, where the percentage of harmful substances is less, than conventional cigarette.