What helps eliminate the smell of alcohol in the morning?, and how to remove fumes at home

Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities, it should be understood, that in the morning you can expect a very unpleasant surprise in the form of the smell of fumes. What if someone has important things planned for the morning?, then this could be a real problem. That's when people start thinking about, how to remove the smell of alcohol. You can, of course, use pharmaceutical products that help quickly remove alcohol from the blood, but then you need to take care of their availability. Therefore, in this article we will talk specifically about folk remedies., after all, at least something of the following is almost always found in everyone’s home. The only drawback of folk remedies is its rather short-lived effect.. Therefore, you will have to repeat the selected remedy several times., until all the alcohol leaves the body.

What causes an unpleasant odor??

Before you start fighting the smell of fumes, first it is important to understand, why does the stench appear?. As they say, know the enemy by sight. It's all about the ethyl alcohol content, which is present in alcoholic drinks. After it enters the body, chemical process starts, as a result of which alcohol breakdown products acetaldehyde and acetic acid appear. These are poisonous substances. They are the cause of the disgusting amber. If alcoholic beverages are consumed in excessive quantities, then the liver may not have time to process ethanol. It starts to accumulate, and the body begins to get rid of toxins in all possible ways through urine, sweat and lungs. Therefore, the smell of alcohol is felt not only from the mouth, but also from the whole body.

How long can the smell of alcohol last??

The unpleasant odor may persist for as long as, until the body is completely cleansed of ethanol decomposition products. But there are many more different factors, on which it depends, How long does it take for the body to get rid of the effects of drinking alcohol?.

  1. Food. The more a person drinks, the slower he gets drunk. But toxic substances in this case will be eliminated from the body much more slowly.. Accordingly, the smell will last longer. It's better to eat light food, this will help you drink and don't get drunk too fast.
  2. Body mass. In this case, the slim ones are out of luck, since people with low weight suffer for a long time from hangover and from fumes. In people with greater weight, the body cleanses itself much faster.
  3. Age category. The younger the body, the faster he is able to cope with the consequences of the alcohol he drank the day before. Metabolism slows down with age, therefore, the drunk will need more time, to get rid of alcohol fumes.
  4. Pol. The fair sex is more susceptible to alcohol. Ethanol will not leave the female body so soon, like a man. According to statistics, among representatives of the stronger sex this process occurs approximately 15-20% than the lovely ladies.
  5. Amount of alcohol consumed. Of course, that the more alcoholic beverages were consumed, the longer the fume will persist. Experienced people advise drinking the same drink throughout the evening, without mixing with others, especially different in strength, then the smell of alcohol as a result will not be so intense.
  6. Health status. An organism weakened by any diseases will have a more difficult time coping with the breakdown products of ethanol., This applies most to those people, who have liver disease.

Can a person determine for himself, does he smell like fumes??

  • Method No. 1. You need to breathe as deeply as possible for a while, locked in a small room. Next you need to exit, get some fresh air if possible, at least to the balcony, don't forget to close the door behind you. If refreshed, you returned to the room and smelled alcohol, then it becomes clear, that there is fumes.
  • Method No. 2. You just need to breathe into the transparent bag several times and if it fogs up, then the problem in the form of fumes is present.
  • Method No. 3. You can also use a regular glass, breathe into it, pressing the glass tightly to your mouth. If the glass is fogged up, then you can safely begin to take measures to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

How to get yourself in order?

  1. Water manipulation. Since excess alcohol is eliminated through sweat, preferably, take a bath or shower before leaving the house, to cleanse the pores and thereby, wash away the aroma of alcohol, coming from the body.
  2. Cleansing the oral cavity. Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue. To enhance the effect of toothpaste, You can also use chewing gum, to freshen your breath even more. It would be better if it was fruit gum, since mint flavor can only enhance the incriminating smell.
  3. Clean clothes. It is advisable to wear clean clothes, because those clothes, where alcohol was consumed, most likely it has already been saturated with wine vapors and is itself a source of a fetid aroma.

How to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, alcohol leaves the body faster. Regular water will do, better, if it's mineral water, it will not only fill the body with moisture, but it will also give you strength, because it contains many useful substances. A real cure for a hangover are drinks such as: rosehip decoction, brine and natural freshly squeezed orange juice. Fruit drinks are also suitable, compotes, tea with lemon and honey, dairy products (Mare, yogurt, ayran).
  • Proper breakfast. To activate the body's energy, it's important to eat well. The following dishes will be useful: oatmeal, an omelette, aspic, fried eggs, chicken noodle soup, tomato salad. They have a very beneficial effect on the human body during a hangover.. The most useful fruits in this situation may be bananas and kiwis..
  • Physical activity. It's hard to imagine a person, capable of physical activity the morning after effusion, but if you need to get rid of the smell of alcohol as quickly as possible, then it is desirable, at least just walk to work, if you have time. Metabolism will speed up, therefore, and the fume aroma will disappear faster.

How to remove fumes at home

  1. Almond. Can, chewing slowly, eat a few almonds, this will help get rid of the smell for about a few hours.
  2. Green. If there are greens in the refrigerator, then you can eat a little dill or parsley, chewing slowly, This method will get rid of the smell for about an hour. But fresh celery leaves have a longer lasting effect., the aroma will not be felt for an hour and a half.
  3. A raw egg. All you need to do is drink two raw eggs on an empty stomach. (stir or beat them thoroughly beforehand), so that the fume is not felt for a long time. This should be done about an hour before the start of work or an important meeting.. Drink, and there is, After consuming this product, it is not recommended for an hour. Otherwise, the desired effect may not occur at all..
  4. Seeds. Roasted sunflower seeds will help eliminate the smell of alcohol. It’s enough to eat a handful of peeled grains and forget about the smell of fumes for an hour. 2-3. But there is one caveat, after this you can't smoke. If you still smoked, then you need to use the seeds again.
  5. Coffee beans. Coffee beans will help overcome fumes for a while. You need to take one grain and start chewing it thoroughly, after five minutes, spit out. This method is not suitable for those, who has heart or blood pressure problems.
  6. Dark chocolate. This delicious delicacy will help you out in that case., when you urgently need to stop emitting alcohol fumes. It's enough to slowly eat just a few slices of chocolate..
  7. Spices. Perfectly masks the aroma of spice fumes, such as bay leaf, nutmeg, carnation, cinnamon. Chew a small amount of spice for a few minutes. After some time, you can chew fruit-flavored chewing gum.. To drown out too intense spice aroma.

Following some tricks, It’s easy to cope with the consequences of drinking alcohol. But it’s better not to abuse it, of course.. Everything is good in moderation.

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